Saturday, November 10, 2018

Team Kamikazes back to “Parque del Norte” in Hatillo. In the morning there was some doubt about the weather since in the past days, the afternoons had been damaged by rain and clouds that changed the rotation of the winds. It supposed to be an 80% chance of rain. In the end, it could not be better, the clouds came and went but the day remained excellent to practice our sport. The intensity of winds was maintained all day between 8 to 12 mph from NE direction.

Family of the Team Kamikazes present in the activity:

• Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
• Eduardo Pabon and his wife Esther
• Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
• Chey Sánchez and his wife Arlene
• Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and childrens Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
• Robert González
• Omar Román
• Berto García
• Raymond Bonilla
• David Silva, his sister and husband

Along with our group, several people came interested in sports and also to redeem their tickets to experience the paramotor flight. Luis made in the day, five (5) flights, Chris and Joan (Santa Isabel), Maria and Mariangelly (San Juan), and Luz Clara (who passed through the area with her husband Ricardo and wanted to live the experience). All had very good experiences in their flights and that is what it is about, to keep adding in the sport and as a family 😄.

Meanwhile, the expert pilots Pablo, Eduardo, Omar, Berto, David, Ian and Luis flew to exhaustion from 8:30 AM to 5 PM. They were joined by rookie pilot Robert Gonzalez, who is demonstrating a lot of progress. At sunset, he joined the rest of pilots and on a “cross” flight that reached Plaza Atlántico in Arecibo.

Another who flew was Raymond Bonilla. He needed to correct his technical takeoffs with wind before take off. He is returning to the sport after some years of rest.

In short, there were many stories to tell. Let’s see the photos and videos that show a better history…😄😄

👉👉Berto, Eduardo, Luis, Recorded by David Silva at Launch Area👈👈

👉👉David Silva showing his view in an amazing fly in Hatillo👈👈

👉👉David Silva showing Sardinera Beach and the Back of Home Depot Hatillo👈👈

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