Sunday, October 20, 2019

Epic day … for some Team members, for others it was a rest day. It turns out that due to a well-deserved vacation taken by Luis Ruiz and his family during the week, the traditional Saturday meeting was not held. Although there was some activity this Saturday and that is with the visit of Roberto Machado and his wife Drania to the island. These went with Carlos Cándido to Ceiba, where Roberto made a “refreshing” flight after several months without flying.

But let’s go back to Sunday. The weather didn’t look good, rain and wind forecasts dominated the forecasts. So many of the pilots stayed resting or doing relevant work in their homes. However, for pilots Luis Ruiz in Isabela, Rafa Guerrero at Dorado and Juan Carlos Correa, Carlos Cándido Rodríguez and Gregory Santiago in Ceiba it was an excellent flight day, even for pilots in Ceiba it turned out to be an epic day!

Luis was flying in Isabela in the morning in winds from 10 to 15 mph from the East. Taking off in Villa Pesquera, it covered the entire coast that included landings in various places such as the “Poza de Teodoro” and “Foso de Jacinto”. Pablo arrived with his wife Millie but decided not to fly and pick up early. Rafa Guerrero made a early fly in Dorado.

As for JC, CC and Grego, they met at Playa “Machos” in Ceiba. The wind was constant at about 10 mph from the East. They took advantage and went flying all the way to the Hotel “El Conquistador” in Fajardo and from there they took height and went flying over the islands of Icacos and Palominos.

Here you can see some photos and videos of the different activities. I hope you like it.

Roberto Machado launching at Machos Beach, Ceiba.

👉Gregory Santiago view over Icacos Island…👈

JC, Grego and CC over Palomino Island.

More from JC and Gregory courtesy of CC.

👉Rafa Guerrero flying in Dorado👈

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