Adventure weekend …, and despite having many plans, the weather did not give much. Winds of over 20 mph + were the norm for Saturday. Many of the Team pilots and students in the end decided not to attend due to the strong weather.
But there were some pilots who decided to arrive despite the conditions and that’s where the story of the weekend began. The Instructor Luis Ruiz arrived at Isabela at 7:30 AM, along with the pilots Omar Colon, Sammy Badillo, Ariel Rodríguez and his grandson Derick Castro.
As the wind charts indicated, the wind was very strong. Luis was the only one to fly, with his Apco F1 paraglider, this monitored winds above 22 mph + on his flight, which did not last long. He measured in his GPS, 55.42 mph flying downwind…
We take the opportunity to deliver the new glider to Omar, the new Speedster 3 model from the people of Ozone. We wanted to fly it there, but it was not the time.
For this reason, and given the tendency of the wind to remain strong over the weekend throughout the north coast, we decided to plan for early Sunday morning to go to Boquerón, where we had not attended for a while.
In short, on Sunday the pilots Luis Ruiz, Omar Colon and Sammy Badillo arrived at the Freddy Rental grounds in Boquerón. There they were setting their equipment at 6:15 AM. The wind, as expected, was between 0-2 mph, which stayed that way until at least 8:15 AM.
Luis, was giving to both pilots the rigorous instructions in the “Front Launch” takeoffs, and both pilots manage to do that!!!. Once in the air Sammy and Omar went flying towards Lajas Town and back throughout the beach area of Boquerón. Their flights lasted an hour and a half. Both were very happy with their experiences and at the same time learning a lot. Flying in windy conditions is not the same as having to land one of these paragliders at full speed without wind …🙄
👉Aerial View of Luis flying together with Omar Colon and Sammy.👈
In Luis’s case, he was launching Omar’s new glider, the Ozone Speedster 3. Which, as expected is a work of engineering, which combines great performance with pleasure, quality and agility. Even you didn’t feel the turbulence in this glider. Very typical of Ozone excellent products 💪.
Now we are preparing for the next few days, with projections that the wind will decrease its intensity. Stay Tuned …🙏
Isabela, early morning. Sammy and his SkyMax EOS150. Luis testing the Speedster 3. Omar with his new Toy. F1 from Apco at heavy winds.