Election Day in both Puerto Rico and the United States. We also woke up with excellent flight weather. So without much planning, some pilots coordinate to meet after exercising our right to vote.
The meeting place in the afternoon was Villa Pesquera Isabela. Arriving there were, Ariel Rodríguez and his wife Wanda, Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes, Luis Ruiz and Sammy Badillo.
With excellent weather, (steady 8 mph NE winds), it was perfect for rookie pilots Sammy, Alberto and Ariel to practice their takeoffs and landings while enjoying the great weather and view. We encounter a pair of abandon boats in the shore. As you may know, a great history is behind them…
We were there from 12:30 PM until the flights closed at 4 PM. Everyone had a great time while create skills of their takeoff and landing.
Here are some photos and videos of the activity …
Alberto Sabah. Ariel Rodriguez. Abandon Boat. Abandon Boat Wanda and Mercedes. Sammy Badillo.