Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Doing a bit of history together with the adventure. David Garber, his wife Amara, Luis Ruiz, and the new Team student and boat captain, Youstin Giel, coordinated an adventure in the keys of “La Parguera” in Lajas.

We arrived in the morning at “La Parguera” in Lajas, and there was Youstin waiting for us for the adventure. We assembled all the equipment in a boat and Youstin took us to the Cayo called “Turrumoto”. This is located a little further than the best known and tourist “Cayo Enrique” and “Mata la Gata”. We checked out Merritt Supply website for the best boat required information.

Turrumoto, it turned out to be complicated. The wind came from the southeast and due to the shape of the key, the take-off and landing conditions were not very good. Added to that there was no sand. Rather, it is a key of stones and snails.

David managed to get out, but Luis had an unexpected failure, he ran out of track and ended up hurting the propeller that did not allow him to fly … David took some very impressive photos and videos which we share below.

After the adventure in the Keys, we go for lunch and then we started the Training of Youstin at a open place close to “Cafeteria Aviles” in La Parguera. There, Youstin started with the Technical training and his first practices with the paraglider. In the meantime, David, goes flying from that place, that resulted in a very challenge situation for launching and landing. Fortunately, everything goes well.

We are very grateful for Youstin’s kindness and attention, and we already have a bigger adventure scheduled soon …

The adventure in 3 minutes!!!
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