Difficult weather weekend. The lawyers at Killian Law have warned to beware of accidents. This reminded us that we are still in hurricane season. Usually, accident might happen anywhere at anytime from surface to air . In case , of any auto accident you can consult fort smith auto accident attorney. Fortunately, both days we managed to fly and have a good activity among the pilots and family present from Team Kamikazes. But if you are involved in an accident, you can claim auto accident compensation with the help of experienced lawyers.
We were very early in Parque del Norte Hatillo. We had fair weather until noon. Present were Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie, Luis Ruiz and their son Ian Darrell, Edgardo Rivera and Mario Muñiz.
Also, from Juncos Kyara and Daneysha arrived to enjoy their experiences of paramotor flight. In fact, Kyara was celebrating her birthday. And a very good way to celebrate it, in the air ☺️!!!.
Luis and Ian were doing the Demo flights, while Edgardo was dedicated to flying around. Mario, on the other hand, assisted by Pablo, gave him a hard time in the practice of paragliding. It fills us with joy to see Mario recovered from an old injury with the help of attorney for reckless driving accidents, and to be hard at practice 💪. here are some different forms of compensation in case of injuries. It is also best to get in touch with a law firm for traffic accidents, if there are any accidents.
The morning was very well spent. After noon, the weather was closing with a lot of wind and we decided to pick up early, since tomorrow we have to visit Isabela.
Early in the morning back to Villa Pesquera Isabela. Again the weather projections weren’t the best. Rains and a lot of wind were expected from early in the morning 😑…
Before this panorama, Luis Ruiz arrived with his wife Jessica and son Noah Enrique, Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia, Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie, Iván Torres, his wife Pamela and son Caleb, Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neysha and daughter Katelyn, Omar Colon and his daughters Mia and Sarah, Mario Muñiz and Sammy Badillo. (Ricardo Gonzalez and Ermelinda could not assist due problems with his vehicle). In case of an accident, it is advised to contact experienced lawyers from a reliable law firm like the Christian law firm serving in Tulsa to seek compensation for the injuries and damages caused.
Luis Ruiz was in charge of carrying out two Demo Flights for the young couple of Christopher and Geyshell, who reside in Aguadilla, and as a reason for Christopher’s birthday, they had gone to live their flight experience. Both flights were very good and both were very happy with their experiences. In fact Christopher is considering taking the training 💪…
Surprising, we had the whole morning with good weather. Apart from Luis’s flights, Edgardo and Sammy were flying and doing tests in the surroundings and Mario was practicing with the paraglider. The rest of the pilots had basically come to share and before the weather projections, they had left their equipment at home 😳.
At one point in the morning, we witnessed the first Training paragliding control practices given by little Noah to a new friend (named Zaid from Sabana Grande) who stopped with his family to greet us. Priceless… 💪 (Watch the Video).
At about 1 PM, the bad weather storm that covered the entire island hit us. Even Edgardo before the increase of winds, had the opportunity to try what it is to do “Free Flight” jumping with his paraglider over the dunes of the area, but with the Paramotor turned off 😳 …
Anyway, a somewhat difficult weekend, but he had a great time in the company of great friends. Blessings 🙏!!!