We continue with Luis Ruiz‘s birthday weekend with excellent weather in the paradise of Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time Luis would be helping both David Garber and his son Ian Darrell on the Demo flights. A lot of people had confirmed their attendance to Live the Experience.
First of all, here we indicate the family of Team Kamikazes that gathered for the activity…
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
David Garber, his wife Amara, and parents Ron and Bridgette
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
Samuel Travis and his girlfriend Michelle
Adam Travis and his girlfriend
Jose Luis Hernandez and his wife Francheska
Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea
Edwin Ruiz, his wife Gladys and son Dariel
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Sammy Badillo
Keith Gould
Jose “Cheo” Roman
Cappy Simon
Darwin Hernandez
Living the Experience – Total of the Day – 31 Demo Flights!!!! 😉💪
As we had mentioned, many people had made an appointment to Live their Flight Experiences. For this reason, today Luis Ruiz was helping David and Ian in making them. In total, a total of 29 Demo Flights were carried out on the day between them. We understand that this is a record, very difficult to beat. At the end of the day, Ian and David each made 11 flights, while Luis made 7 😲, (during part of the day he was attending the students of the school).
We had visitors from different parts of the island. We tried to cover a little about each one of the people in their adventure, or the group in which they arrived. That was the case with Iván, Edwin, Yadimarie, Lilly, María, Valerie, Marvin, Paola and Kevin from the town of Barranquitas. Génesis and Nicole from the town of Las Piedras. Kemuel and Jesenia from the town of Moca. Some of them help the tourism in the island with promotion and Videos, that was the case of Alexis, Suri, Jorge (Mexico) and Christian Cordero, “Un Turista en Puerto Rico”. Other names that comes in mind were, Jeremy and his partner, Maritza from Isabela. Yaritza, Cassandra and Yesmari from the town of Moca. Alexis, his girlfriend and Omar, also from the town of Moca.
👉 Suri Promo Video – Travel & Adventures!!! 👈
To the total of 29 Demo flights, we have to add the Demo Flights made by the brothers Samuel Travis to his girlfriend Michelle, and Adam Travis to his girlfriend. So, the Grand Total for the day was 31 !!!!. Photos and Videos about these activities can be seen below in the story 😉.
Here the amazing Video prepared by Christian Cordero (“Un Turista en Puerto Rico”)
Pilots and students of the school…
The pilot community was very active. Firstly, 3 tents were set up that could hardly accommodate the public that gathered for the activity. Pablo Cruz was in charge of the BBQ, and meats were cooked and there was food an drinks for all those present. The occasion was used to sing Luis’s birthday again, and the “Kamikazes” girls were having a sensational time. 🤣
Brothers Samuel and Adam Travis arrived from the other side of the island, accompanied by their girlfriends. They were very active in the Team’s activities. Also saying goodbye to us was the international pilot Cappy Simon, who had been flying all morning (and all day yesterday) and it was time for him to return to his professional work in the USA.
Other stories were carried on, like Ben Doyle, who lives in the condominium right next to our Villa Pesquera activities. He had been retired from the sport for a few years and with the help of David Garber and Luis Ruiz, he flew again today. He is considering to return Full time to the Sport. Congratulations 💪!!!
It was also a pleasant surprise to see a former Team Kamikaze Pilot, Edwin Ruiz arrival with his wife Gladys and son Dariel. He is the brother of Instructor Luis Ruiz. His son Dariel took the opportunity to try his first paragliding practices and Edwin was by his side helping him 💪.
In the meantime, the students José Luis and Keith are ready to try their first “solo” flights in the next days. Stay Tuned… In the case of Jomar, the other student present at the activity, he was already flying safely along with the rest of the pilots. In fact, All the pilots who attended the activity were flying all day.
Late in the afternoon, we had an unexpected surprise of the arrival of the pilot Darwin Hernández. Due to his work as a commercial pilot, he can visit the island very often. And today he arrived in the afternoon. In some minutes he prepared his Paramotor and launched with Full Tank for a long journey trip.
Darwin left Isabela, heading for Guajataca Lake in the interior of the island. From there he went flying to the town of Hatillo and eventually landed at Parque del Norte. He took a break and ate something before returning to Isabela at sunset. Here we share one of his videos.
We finished at dark. It was a great day surrounded by great friends. That’s what it’s all about, enjoying these special moments that God gives us. Thanks to everyone that said present. Blessings to everyone that took part of his time to share with us. 🙏!!!
Noah Enrique Activities…