Extremely strong winds continue for at least a month. Is very difficult to be able to enjoy our flights in complete safety with that conditions. Today was no exception. In fact, the wind was stronger today than in the past few days 😲.
Pilots that arrive early were, Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne, Edgardo Rivera, David Garber and his wife Amara, and Luis Ruiz. Along with them were Lisa Victoria and Yomi Adames, who had coordinated to Live their Experiences in the Paramotor today.
In Lisa‘s case, she was repeating the visit. She already flown once.
But today there were no chances and we need to postpone the flights. Then, David, Mario and Edgardo dedicated themselves to practicing inflation with the small training paragliders, BGD Seed of 14 meters. Luis was dedicated to record the occurrences of the pilots 😃.
We picked up early and the flight for Yomi was coordinated for tomorrow Thursday at 8:30 AM. To see if there were better conditions for his flight.
Yomi and Lisa arrived early, and were awaited by Instructor David Garber, who finally made Yomi‘s flight. Although the weather conditions were not the best, she enjoyed her flight very much 💪.