After many windy days. Today we were surprised with a drop in wind levels (at least in the morning hours). Which was taken advantage of by all those who said they were present in Villa Pesquera Isabela.
Kamikaze pilots and families…
David Garber and his wife Amara
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Alberto Sabah, his wife Mercedes, and their sons Pablo and Jessica
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neysha and daughter Katelyn
Jose “Cheo” Roman
Sammy Badillo
Keith Gould
Jomar Crespo
Ray Malave
Living the Experience…
Carmen Cruz, her son Ricardo and Relatives Kathia and Marilyn
Javier Abrams from Spain and his friend Glory
Joy Caraballo and Ruth from Yauco
As we mentioned, the weather this time was much better for the enjoyment of the sport. Luis, Ian and David were in charge of conducting the Demo flights. All the people who went to enjoy their flight experiences were delighted with the sensation of freedom that is experienced and more on the beautiful coast of Isabela.
In the case of Carmen, she and her son Ricardo, they enjoyed the fly experience several years ago in Aguada. This time they repeated it again and with part of their families. That was also the case for Javier, who was flying for second time and this time arrived with Glory so that she could enjoy her experience too. Also, Joy and Ruth very happy with their experiences. And that’s what it’s all about 🙂.
Pilots and their adventures…
Alberto Sabah – It was very pleasant for all of us to witness Alberto’s arrival at the activity accompanied by his son Pablo. This event is very close to being a miracle for many reasons. And it’s good to see that Pablo is sharing with his father Alberto here in Puerto Rico. Our eternal blessings 😍!!!
Sammy Badillo – Today he received his new sport paraglider, an Apco F3 model, 22 meters. He was kiting on ground before taking it to fly around. As you can imagine, he is very comfortable with his new performance 😀.
Keith Gould – Made his third solo flight. Again using the SkyMax EOS100 Paramotor with a Flow Cosmos Power paraglider of 24 meters. Both his takeoff and landing were excellent and as an additional note, Keith was able to fly at over 1,500 ft, because according to him, he feels more comfortable at that altitude 🧐!!!
Ben Doyle – He was using Luis Ruiz’s new paraglider, the 18 meter BGD Luna 2. Every chance he gets he takes it flying. He loves its features and lands with a smile after every flight.
Edgardo Rivera and Cheo Román – Both were flying in the morning together with Sammy, Ben, Luis, Ian and David. In the case of Edgardo, his Puerto Rican flag, which he carries next to him on his paraglider, draws a lot of attention. They all have to do with Edgardo when he flies past the beach shores.
Mario Muñiz and Ricardo González – When the wind increased in intensity in the afternoon, they kept practicing with the paragliders on ground. They wait for better conditions to go out to fly..
David Garber – At some point in the afternoon, he goes to fly by the Towing Method. The pilot that will Tow him was Ian Darrell. David used the Apco F1 to try to tow all the way to the Cliff at the front of Paul Whitmore’s home. He succeed, and after some 30 minutes flying (without Paramotor) he proceed to land close to the Tents.
Kamikaze girls…
Jessica Cruz, Ivonne, Mercedes, Ermelinda, Wilnelia, Andrea, all having a good time in the tents. Where even pizzas and sandwiches were ordered for all the members of the Team. Blessings 🙏!!!