Difficult day with the weather. But we really want to fly. So we arrived early at Villa Pesquera Isabela. Present were the Kamikazes pilots Alberto Sabah, José “Cheo” Román, Ben Doyle, Luis Ruiz and David Garber along with his wife Amara.
We had the presence also of Angelo Ávila, a student of the Team and whom we see ready for greater challenges. He was giving the last touches of control of the paraglider on the ground before attempting his first “solo” flight.
In fact, we took advantage of the morning and he went out to fly with David Garber. He could practiced controlling the oscillations of the paraglider in the air. Soon we will continue with Angelo’s stories.
The young Cristal Ramos and Jesy also came to the activity. This after some postponements of her flight due to the weather. Jesy flew with David and was very happy with her experience.
We had to leave early as big clouds and strong winds were arriving after 10:30 AM.