Generally a good day to enjoy our sport of Paramotoring. We returned again to Villa Pesquera Isabela. And before we begin to tell the stories of the day, we let you know who was present…
Kamikaze Pilots and Family…
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Charles Riggs and his son Evan
Ben Doyle
Jose “Cheo” Roman
Darwin Hernandez
Living the Experience…
Ricardo and Lauren from Mayaguez
Alfredo‘s family from NY, his wife, his father Alfredo Sr. and daughters Melanie and Alisa
The Spayne Family, of West Point NY
Enielis Montañez and her boyfriend from Rio Grande
The history…
Busy day. In the morning hours the Demo Flights were carried out. Ian Darrell and his father Luis were in charge of making them. Ben stop to help in the morning, and then leaves due previous compromises pending. At the same time, the pilots present flew at will around the surroundings. This was the case for Ricardo (using for first time the Paramania GT Paraglider), Pablo, Cheo, Mario (already landing on his feet), Charles and Evan.
In the case of Darwin and Edgardo, they carried extra tanks and oil in their Paramotors, and made one of the longest “cross” flights ever made leaving from Isabela. They flew not only to Arecibo, but passed the Lighthouse and reached the Statue of Columbus before returning back to Isabela!!!.
This is 53 miles of total distance on the Round Trip. Congratulations to both 💪!!!
“Accuracy” Landing Test
In the afternoon, more relaxed from the morning adventures, we decided to do something different… Pilots who wanted to practice their landing would do a skills test.
The test of the pilots consists of Take Off and reach a height greater than 500 ft, then need to TURN OFF the Paramotor and reaching at pure glide to a mark/goal located in the middle of the terrain.
Luis Ruiz, was the first to perform the test. The wind was quite light and he was using a ultra fast 18 meter BGD Luna2 paraglider, which made the demonstration way more difficult. Fortunately, he landed just off the mark 🙂.
Luis was followed by Cheo Román, who passed the mark at the moment of landing.
Then, it was Darwin Hernández who performed better, and was also very close to Goal. He used Luis’s 18-meter paraglider.
The third to try was Edgardo Rivera. In fact, he tried twice. At the first opportunity he fell short on the approach, and then he tried again a second time. On that occasion, he also arrived very close to the center of the mark. Congratulations 💪!!!
After this we had to finish the activity. Surely we will do this practice more often and with more participation of pilots. Blessings!!!🙏