It could be said that we don’t have much to say about our activities during the week. and more telling that the weather conditions have not been good, BUT… the story is another.
This week there was a lot to tell. Not all the stories were positive, but it is part of the way. Not everything will work as planned. Here’s a recount, and most importantly, we continue to document each of these stories that should not be forgotten!!!!
Monday April 18, 2022
Ben Doyle, José “Cheo” Román and Luis Ruiz met early in the morning at Villa Pesquera Isabela. Apart from flying and sharing, we had some Demo Flights pending. Specifically to Christopher and Stacey Gordon who reside in Isabela, along with their relatives Daniel and Melina who reside in Colorado, USA.
Unfortunately the activities of Demo flights had to be postponed. The wind intensity was at over 20 mph+ since very early in the morning . Despite this Luis Ruiz managed to do a short fly around the area using his fast 18 meter BGD Luna 2 paraglider.
In the afternoon, Luis Ruiz would fly again for half an hour in the neighborhood of Mamey in Aguada and over the old Central Coloso in that municipality.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022
During the morning, the Team Kamikazes pilots, Edgardo Rivera, John Mushnick and Ray Malave, met to try to fly a new area in the Cerro Gordo neighborhood of Vega Baja. To get to the launch site, they had to walk quite a bit with the equipment on their backs 😲.
Once in place, they encountered light wind conditions, so the “Front Launch” takeoff was necessary. Edgardo, the most prepare pilot on ground manage to Take Off. His fly didn’t last long, due an erratic weather conditions, he landed and told the other pilots not to try to launch.
After that, in the afternoon, Edgardo and Ray went to Villa Pesquera Isabela, but the weather didn’t cooperate. Was raining all afternoon and they need to cancel their flying plans.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Luis Ruiz went to Isabela in the morning with the idea of testing and adjusting (if necessary) a Paramotor that he had just finished repairing. Already in Isabela, he suffered a puncture in one of his tires that required the use of a crane to solve. So the idea of flying was suddenly forgotten, even though the weather looked good enough for flying.

In the meantime, Mario Muniz at his home was making adjustment in his Paramotor. He is installing an “Air Bag” to his harness. If he sits or fall in a Landing procedure the Bag will amortize the Land.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Back to Isabela again, this time the winds had increased in intensity again 🤨. Present were in addition to Luis Ruiz, the pilots Ben Doyle and José “Cheo” Román.
Also arriving were Beba Medina who wants to repeat her flight experiences. She was accompanied by her partner Juan Carlos. Despite the strong wind, Luis Ruiz managed to fly with Beba and had a great experience.

While this was happening, Cheo Román went out to fly, and one in the air, a tangle line in his glider prevent it to fly straight. Cheo could not see the situation on Ground, and the glider is pulling him to his right side. Trying to correct and seeing that it was not possible, Cheo decided to land, and it was soft, but with the misfortune that the glider got stuck in a tall tree 😑.
Ben Doyle and Luis Ruiz were assisting Cheo in the removal of the paraglider from the site. Everything went well and in an hour and a half we were out of the place. Was a good lesson learned by Cheo of the whole situation 💪.