Back to Villa Pesquera de Isabela. And again, what is already traditional for the entire island this 2022. Simply Windy 😑. In fact today the gusts at midday were measured at 28 mph and we had to cancel some flights. But more details on this later…
Pilots and Kamikaze Family…
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
John Mushnick
Jose “Cheo” Roman
Angelo Avila
Living the Experience…
Mallory Resto and her family from Bayamon
Ivy Ríos and her family from Aguada and Rincón
Wilbert Rivera, William, Celeste, Teresa from Bayamon
Ada Lis Martinez and Ryan from Humacao
The Story…
Early in the morning again was very windy. And people are coming from different parts of the island to enjoy their experiences. Luis Ruiz and his son Ian Darrell were in charge of the task starting at 8 AM. We manage to do some good flights, but need to postpone others due to the intensity of the winds.
In the meantime, some of the pilots took the opportunity to do some paragliding practices in strong winds. Ben Doyle and Edgardo Rivera were assisting the Instructor Luis Ruiz in these practices. One of them, John Mushnick showed great skills by going flying in 20mph+ wind conditions, Edgardo was assisting directly his flight 💪.
In the afternoon, and already with strong winds, we celebrated Ricardo González’s surprise birthday. This one was not expected from him. Ivonne was in charge of preparing the cupcakes which were delicious. The pinata braking Event by Ricky was simply EPIC!!!!
We expect better weather conditions in the coming days. But, even so, we had a great time with great friends and family. That’s what it’s all about, Blessings 🙏!!!.