We start a long weekend, full of activities. That although it became windy, there was always the opportunity to do some flights in different parts of the island.
Friday June 10, 2022…
Luis Ruiz met in the afternoon in Isabela with the pilots Ben Doyle and Alberto Sabah. Also from Florida, USA, arrived the pilot Nelson Mendoza with his wife Jeannete. They want to know more about beautiful Puerto Rico, and of course, if there was the opportunity to make some flights, he will do it.
On this occasion, only Luis would fly in winds above 20 mph+ while Alberto and Ben practiced a bit kiting with small paragliders.
Saturday, June 11, 2022…
With strong winds and a storm predicted for the entire island, we decided to go to Villa Pesquera, Isabela. One of the few places on the island where we could do something with these conditions.
On this occasion, and facing challenge conditions of the weather, the pilots José “Cheo” Román, Ben Doyle and Luis Ruiz together with International Pilot Nelson Mendoza arrived.
The morning presented good flying conditions, but we knew that the window of flying would close in no time.
Nelson, had to postponed his fly due to heavy winds and problems with his knees. Cheo for his part was flying together with Ben and Luis who did some Demo flights before the weather turned bad. For this occasion, we expect the new friend, Martin and relatives, residents of Louisiana, USA. He brought their daughters Mydna and Gabriela to Live their Flight Experiences. At the end Both ladies were very happy with the experience. And this is all about.
Later in the day, Luis and Ben met to make upgrades on a new communication system in the helmets used for flying.
Sunday, June 12, 2022…
Windy and hot flying conditions continue. Once again the pilots present were Cheo Román, Ben Doyle and Luis Ruiz. Once again we took advantage of the morning to do some Demo Flights before the conditions deteriorated.
Arriving to Live her Flight Experience were Jennifer Figueroa, who had already flown on a previous occasion and came to repeat, and with her were Jesús from Bayamon, and Jessy and her daughter Alondra from San Juan.
At one point, while Luis was flying with Alondra, they had the opportunity to see the “surfing cows” flying on a secluded beach just bathing in the sea.
Part of Kamikaze Team at Loiza Beach...
During this weekend some of the Pilots of the Team were flying in Loiza Beach. The even spent the weekend there. The pilots were Edgardo Rivera, Ray Malave, Omar Colon and Ariel Rodriguez. Here is a Video that best describe their adventures there…
Monday, June 13, 2022…
The windy conditions continue for the whole island, but at least in Isabela, Luis Ruiz, assisted by Ben Doyle, have taken advantage of the morning to carry out some Demo Flights.
This time we had the visit of Thelma López, who resides in Tennessee, who came to the graduation of her nephew Marcos from UPRM. As part of her adventure and graduation gift, they come to fly with Team Kamikazes. Jan Oquendo and Sandra from Santurce, also arrived to Live their Experience.
The morning was very good to fly and everyone lived great and unforgettable adventures.
As always we thank God for these opportunities that allows us to live. Blessings!!!