We started with good weather to practice our sport (and not always runs like that). It was very well handle by both students and people who came to Live their Experiences in the Paramotor.
The morning began with Instructor Luis Ruiz performing a Demo Flight for Laurie, wife of student Manny Martínez. She really enjoyed the ride indicating she would do it many more times. As for Manny, he spent the whole morning doing his practices with the control of the paraglider and a lot of progress was seen in his practices 💪.
Also saying present Jessica Cruz, wife of Luis along with their son Noah Enrique, and pilots Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea, Alberto Sabah and Sammy Badillo.
During the morning, Yanira Ríos arrived from Fajardo bringing some family to live their flight experiences. Some time ago, Yanira came with her daughter and now come with Ashley and Kelly. Both lived their flight experiences and were very happy with their experience.
From Caguas, arrived Wally and his friend Abimael. Some time ago Abimael Lived the experience and now return with Wally, who was very happy with his experience of flying. And this is all about, thank God!!!
By mid day, the wind start to gets strong, and we decided to finish the activity early to return to other fly activity tomorrow…