This Sunday started very nice to enjoy a good activity. With so many challenging climates in recent weeks it is good to always have a good day and especially on Sunday when most of the pilots say present…
Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Ben Doyle and his wife Andrea
Alberto Sabah, his wife Mercedes and daughter Jessica
Ricardo Gonzalez and his wife Ermelinda
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Living the Flight Experience…
Andrea del Mar and Nomaris Perez from San Sebastian and Lares
Rubén Valentín, his wife Clarivette and their children Viviana, Sebastián, Gabriel and cousin Chaveli from Juncos
Susana and her family from Brooklyn, NY
Luis Ruiz, Ian Darrell and Ben Doyle were in charge of the Demo Flights on the day and all the people who attended to Live their Experiences left very pleased with their experiences 🙏.
About the Team Kamikazes pilots we can comment that Alberto Sabah was flying and assisting Luis, Ian and Ben with the realization of the Demo flights. While Ricardo, had an early problem with his Paramotor, specifically with his propeller and it seemed that he would not fly in the day…, but Luis provided him with the Paramotor SkyMax EOS 100 that is about 30 pounds lighter than Ricardo’s equipment. And Ricardo was flying all day and very comfortable. Mario, for his part, hurt a line on his paraglider and decided to keep practicing on ground and sharing with the family of pilots.
In the afternoon, there was lunch for the Team, thanks to the details of Ivonne and Jessica Cruz. They are always aware that nothing is missing in our activities.
As always we thank God for these opportunities that allows us to live. Blessings 🙏!!!