The end of June brought us wind and more wind. You couldn’t really enjoy good flights in those conditions…
However…, that didn’t mean there was no activity. And it is that Darwin Hernández returned to the island for a couple of days and was in contact with his “wing partner” Edgardo Rivera and they had their private flight activity. That there were risks due to the wind? Of course there was…
But both are already flying very well in those conditions, and taking security measures at least managed to make a flight from Hatillo to Isabela.
For his part, Luis Ruiz met with the pilots Alberto Sabah, Mario Muñiz, and his wife, Ivonne, in the Isabela area. The real reason was not to fly, it was to ride bike, and to deliver a couple of paragliders. One to Mario with a repair, and another to Ken Arciola (Apco F3), which was delivered to his wife who was on the island.

Here are some videos from these days. Blessings 🙏!!!