Wednesday/Friday, August 24 – 26, 2022 – International Pilots in the House…

With the arrival of some International pilots and good weather, we were active during the week.

Pilots and Family Kamikazes Present…

Charles Riggs and his son Evan
Ben Doyle
Edgar Rivera
Darwin Hernandez
Abner Ramos
Luis Ruiz
Eliseo Nogueras and his family (Rhode Island)
Emilio Mendiola and his girlfriend Hannah from Ohio
Paul Whitmore
Manuel “Manny” Martinez
Alberto Sabah

Wednesday, September 24…

The morning started very early with Edgardo Rivera flying around. Also arriving early were Charles and his son Evan, and the student/pilot Abner Ramos, along with Instructor Luis Ruiz.

At the moment, while Edgardo was flying, his throttle cable broke so he had to land about 3 miles away from the meeting area. Darwin went to rescue him in his small car, so the return photo was epic. Later, Edgardo repaired the Paramotor and flew again.

Eliseo Nogueras also arrived early and coordinated a flight with his mother-in-law, which was recorded and here we share part of his experience.

>>Eliseo Nogueras flying with his Mother in Law<<

The student Abner Ramos, made his second “solo” flight “. This time using a powerful SkyMax Vittorazi Moster Paramotor, which initially made him difficult to Take Off with that much power. After some minutes, Abner managed to control the Paramotor and enjoy his flight. In fact, at one point he reached 3,000 ft! of altitude 😲.

Abner 2nd Flight.

After mid day the conditions became windy and we decided to end the activity.

Friday, September 26, 2022…

Once again we had good conditions to fly and we were back in Villa Pesquera Isabela. In addition to the international pilot Eliseo Nogueras and his family, were present, Paul Whitmore, who is back on the island, as well as Emilio Mendiola and his girlfriend Hannah, who are visiting us from Ohio, USA.

Edgardo Rivera was on a mission this time. His friends and pilots Omar Colon and Darwin Hernández have landed on other occasions in front of the Cueva de las Golondrinas. This time it was his turn to try. Eventually he succeed in landing in the area, although he had some problems on his way out of there 🙄.

Edgardo explaining his situation of Take Off…
Edgardo leaving Cueva las Golondrinas!!!

Emilio at the beginning was kitting his Ozone Paraglider, to get used of the wind intensity of Puerto Rico and the process of Reverse Launch. Eventually, and with the help and assistant of Ben, he was flying around. That’s a different feeling of fly if what he is used to have in Ohio. His girlfriend, Hannah, took advantage and flew up for a while with instructor Luis Ruiz.

The Take Off of Hannah!!!!

In the meantime, Abner arrived and flew again, his takeoffs and landings are good and improving more. Manny Martinez was also present practicing with the paraglider. He has been busy with his professional commitments, but always finds time to continue preparing for his next adventures.

For his part, Ben was testing Luis’s new paramotor, the SkyMax Pulsar. Of which he comment that it feels as if one were doing Free Flight, without any paramotor on the back.

Once again after noon, the conditions began to get windy and with this we ended the activity. Tomorrow Saturday there are many plans, so we have to rest a little before the weekend… Blessings 🙏!!!


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