Saturday and Sunday, 17 – 18 December 2022 – Radical Weekend of Flying in Isabela (and Jonathan Carr in the House)…

A very active weekend for the community of Team Kamikazes pilots. This in Villa Pesquera Isabela. Both days, we had a full house, both with pilots and with new friends who came to Live their Flight experiences with the Team.

Kamikaze pilots and Family members present on the weekend…

Luis Velez and his son Bebo
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ermelinda
Luis Ruiz, his wife Jessica and sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
Ted Sowinski
Sammy Badillo
Abner Ramos
Alberto Sabah
Jonathan Carr (Instructor, Orlando, FL), along with friends Kevin and Nicole

Arriving to Live the Flight Experience…

Sheila Guzmán from Ponce and Kathy Spaid from Lajas
Omar and his wife Sherly from Virginia, USA, accompanied by relatives of Cabo Rojo
Manuel Villar, his wife and daughter from Carolina
Pedro from Vega Alta, accompanied by his wife


The morning began very active as far as the weather is concerned. Clouds and cold winds covered the entire area. But as is typical of this time in Puerto Rico, we knew that the conditions were going to improve in the next hours. The ladies, Sheila and Kathy arrived early to live their flying experiences. In the meantime, the school students, Luis and Bebo practiced hard with the paragliders on the ground. Mario accompanied them in practice, he likes to maintain his tradition of practicing and continuing to improve his skills. Luis Vélez and Bebo are beginning to master the control of the paragliders and their first “solo” flights are more close to gets real in next weeks 💪.

Starting the Activities..

Ian Darrell was in charge of the flights for Sheila and Kathy. While they were flying, their friends, Grisel and Mayra came to accompany them and indicate that they would return, to do their flights in February 2023…

Kathy and Ian Landing Moment…

Luis Velez and Bebo also took time to start giving Break In to their new Paramotor HE Paramotores Moster MY22. While Sammy Badillo and Mario practiced their Touch & Go, and Foot Drag in the arena. Ted and Abner went in cross-country flights all the way to Quebradillas.

Starting the Break In…

The weather never improved completely, but we took advantage of the windows of possibilities and the flights that were pending were made. We will return tomorrow with God‘s favor…



The morning began with individual flights by Ian Darrell, and Jonathan Carr, who is Instructor and Director of the Orlando Paramotor School. Jonathan is visiting the island and pay Luis Ruiz a visit as he promise some months ago. Both will be carrying out the Demo Flights of the Day, but they wanted to go up to fly individually before beginning with the “realization of the “work”. It is important to indicate that the weather looks better than yesterday…

Jonathan Carr in the House!!!!

New friends came from different parts of the island to live their flying experiences. We could tell they were coming from USA, Cabo Rojo, Vega Alta and Carolina.

Jonathan, Taking Off with his friend Kevin.
Jonathan with Pedro from Vega Alta after finish a Fly.
Manuel Villar and Ian Darrell Landing Moment…

Among the active pilots during the day, Mario, Pablo, Alberto and Ted were assisting the pilots Ian and Jonathan in carrying out the Demo flights. Later they went out to fly.

Ted Sowinski Taking Off.

We could mention that Mario continues to perfect his foot drag skills on his flights. Ricardo Gonzalez, in other hand, had a Power failure from his Paramotor that did not allow him to gain much height. He finished also doing a Foot Drag, but not as he would have liked since he did it practically flying Down Wind and he entered very quickly to Ground. Fortunately he was not hurt, but his equipment suffered some breaks.

In the afternoon, the winds continued to increase their intensity, as we ended the activities. Ricky, Ermelinda, Pablo and Millie finished it while gets lunch in a restaurant close by.

Here we present some photos of the adventure of the weekend. Blessings 🙏!!!


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