With windy conditions for the entire island, we closed 2022 flying in San Germán. And in last two days, Friday 30 and Thursday 31 of December 2022.
Who were in the Adventure?
The pilots Luis Ruiz, Ted Sowinski and Abner Ramos, as well as the friend Kathy Spaid who had the opportunity to take a Demo Flight with Luis. They fly on Thursday the entire San Germán Valley to Cabo Rojo and Hormigueros. While on Friday Ted and Abner joined the action.
As expected the weather was excellent, but there was no wind at 7 AM in San German. So, the challenge for the pilots was to get off the ground in that conditions. This time Ted managed to Take Off without major problems by running faster than the attempt he did a couple of days ago in Lajas. Abner for his part, after a couple of failed attempts, also managed to get out with the assistance of Ted and Luis. He was flying all the way to over his Home in Mayaguez, to say Hi to his family before return to San German.
In the North Coast, at Isabela, there’s Sammy Badillo who made a fly with strong winds in the morning. He took advantage of his fast Apco F3 paraglider for do the fly.
We are now waiting for the adventures of 2023. Trusting in God, may we have many blessings and healthy flights to the entire community of pilots in Puerto Rico. Blessings 🙏!!!
Here are some Extra Videos of the Adventures closing the 2022.