Monday, January 02, 2023 – The Traditional Christmas Party of Team Kamikazes + Some Extras…🥳

The Traditional Christmas Party of Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico finally arrived. That’s the Day we gave thanks to God for all our blessings during the year. This time again to be held at the home of friend and pilot Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes in Isabela. They generously invited us to celebrate these festivities at their home!!!

Pablo Cruz, along with Alberto, had been working the previous days with the coordination of preparing a roast pig. And the rest of the Kamikazes family was coordinating all the extras, so that nothing was missing at the party. From food, miscellaneous and the music…

Prior to the activity that began after noon, you can imagine that there were some flights during the morning. But rather than continue explaining what was experienced that day, we better leave you here with Videos and Photos that best describe what was experienced. That lasted until late at night 💪.

Once again, thanks to Alberto and Mercedes for giving us their home to celebrate the activity, as well as thanks to everyone who did their bit to make everything a success.

Blessings and until next time 🙏!!!

In the Morning…

Edgardo Rivera with a unexpected problem flying and Rescue his Motor at Guajataca, OMG…
Luis Ruiz getting Ready at Isabela in the morning.
Alberto arriving to Villa Pesquera Isabela.

The Christmas Party Stories…

The Party just Starting…
Edgardo cutting the Pig…
Ian and Paola, Great Duo!!!
Mario celebrating with Style…
Pablo Cruz!!!!
In the Night …
In the Night II…
Omar Colon and his Cooler…


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