The weather forecasts indicated that we would have adverse weather to fly. But we arrived at Villa Pesquera Isabela and found ideal flight conditions 💪. At least until 2 PM, after that some storm clouds came over the activity.
This time Luis Ruiz was busy with several people visiting the Team waiting to Live their Flight Experiences. And how great that they could enjoy their flights in the best possible way, with a pleasant climate 💪.
Pilots and Family Kamikazes…
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Luis Velez and his son Bebo
Alberto Sabah, his wife Mercedes, and Relatives
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Charles Riggs, his wife Andrea and son Evan
Sammy Badillo
Ted Sowinski
Luis Ruiz
Living the Flight Experience…
Patricia Colon and Kimberly from Ponce
Wendolyn Cáceres, Ivonne Marie, Lis, Johanna and her husband Omar from Bayamon
The Adventures…
While Luis Ruiz was coordinating and carried out the Demo Flights, he had also set aside time for the instruction of the students Luis Vélez and his son Bebo. They are getting closer to their first “solo” flight. Today his assignment was to polish his paraglider inflation practices, both on Reverse and Front Position. They spent the whole morning practicing hard. We will coordinate an exclusive day for them and their first attempts with the Paramotor. Stay Tuned…
About the pilots, we could tell that Mario, Pablo, Alberto, Charles, Evan, Sammy, and Ted, were all enjoying the flights along the beach coast, even multiple times. Ricardo, however, once again faced problems with his Paramotor. However, he served as a passenger for the Demo Flight practices that Alberto is carrying out. This is part of the Training for futures flights. Will be continued…
After we finished the activities by 2 PM because Bad Weather. Some of the Family of Pilots ended at Alberto and Mercedes House taking an invitation for Lunch/Dinner before return to their Homes.
God Bless 🙏!!!