Wednesday, August 09, 2023 – A Great Day of Flying in Isabela (and a Tornado in Aguadilla?)

Today was a very special day in Villa Pesquera Isabela. We had good flight conditions during the morning hours and this gets complicated in the afternoon hours, to the point that a Tornado formed in the town of Aguadilla about 5 to 10 miles from our location 😲!!!

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…

Edgardo Rivera and his son Joel
Alberto Sabah
Darwin Hernandez
Luis Ruiz
Fio Lopez

Living the Flight Experience…

Eniud Camacho and her friend Mara from Toa Alta

The Morning…

All the pilots arrived early in the morning since the weather forecasts did not look good for the afternoon hours. And eventually it gets real bad…

The Video should said August 09, and Darwin started with light problems…

Luis Ruiz was in charge of carrying out the Demo Flights of Mara and Eniud, both enjoyed an excellent flight experience.

Eniud in the air with Luis…
Eniud recommendation!!!! God Bless!!!

While this was happening, Edgardo was also flying, with the assistance of his son Joel and Darwin. Edgardo, with good intensity of winds, managed to fly this time with Luis’s fast paraglider, BGD Luna 2 of 18 meters.

Edgardo moving Fast in the Luna 2 18 meters

Darwin accompanied him on his “Cross” flight, which included a visit to Jobos Beach and later a visit to the Guajataca Tunnel in Quebradillas. Alberto Sabah joined that flight a little later, but the weather was already beginning to deteriorate. Fio tried to kite a paraglider, but was late for him. Gets too windy for a good practice.

Darwin in “Cueva Las Golondrinas”…

While Edgardo and Darwin were flying in the direction of Quebradillas, it occurred to Darwin to land in the space in front of the Cueva Las Golondrinas. This landing is not possible most of the year, and depends on low tide providing landing space. The first to do this feat was Omar Colon a few years ago, and Darwin had a chance today.

Darwin managed to did it, but in his landing, he got too close to the Cliff Mountain, and inadvertently, and due to the direction of the wind at that moment, he fell into a wind rotor on the mountain, making his final landing difficult and hard and broke his propeller.

Darwin in front of Cueva “Las Golondrinas”…

Nothing else happened, and after a few minutes, Edgardo was already in the rescue mission through the entrance of the Pastillo in Isabela.

The weather in Aguadilla…

While we were doing the flights, we were watching a huge cloud development that was forming near us and heading towards the town of Aguadilla. With these formations and Alberto‘s landing indicating that he had become bad to fly, we ended our activities.

We began to see how the development of clouds covered all of Aguadilla and even came over us. It turned out that there was indeed an EFE 0 category Tornado formed, near Las Cascadas Park in Aguadilla.

Here we share some videos we took from our perspective in Isabela.

Birds Circling around, a Huge Lift Area?…
The Cell…


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