Activities around the island during the week, September 04 – 08, 2023…

After the intense past weekend, some of the pilots had plenty of energy to continue flying during the week. The weather was pretty good, so of course, let’s fly…

Monday, September 4, (Labor Day)…

Most of the pilots took a resting break, but this was not the case for Edgardo Rivera who continued his marathon of flights in the Humacao area.

Edgardo flying his RPM2 15 meters in Humacao.

Tuesday September 5th…

Luis Ruiz went with little Noah Enrique in the afternoon to Villa Pesquera Isabela. There Luis joined Alberto Sabah to fly. In fact, Alberto would go out from the yard of his house to fly. Noah practiced paragliding inflation and took some small flights out of the sand dunes.

Luis Ruiz flying around as Noah is on the Ground playing with Paraglider.
Alberto arriving to the activity from his Home…

At one point, Luis made a Demo flight without much planning to Omaris, a native of Anasco, who was in the area watching the flights with his friend José. The flight was at sunset and was a very special one for Omaris.

Wednesday, September 6…

This time in the afternoon, Luis Ruiz took his son Noah to practice paragliding at Pico de Piedra Beach in Aguada. The wind was coming in the right direction, so, Noah was practicing until sunset.

Noah at Pico de Piedra I…
Noah at Pico de Piedra II…

Thursday, September 7…

The plans were to spend the entire afternoon practicing in Villa Pesquera Isabela. Robert Rodríguez, Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique and Sammy Badillo arrived there. On this occasion we could only practice for a short period of time, since a huge storm cloud passed through the place and we even had to quickly pick up the equipment to take shelter from the enormous rain that hit us…

Before the Storm arrive…
Running with the Equipment !!!

Friday, September 8…

This time the pilots Alberto Sabah, Edgardo Rivera and Darwin Hernández were active flying in Isabela. And after this, in the afternoon, we started to prepare the equipment for the weekend activities.

Edgardo flying the RPM 2 15 meters…
Darwin, with the RPM 2 15 meters flying without hands…
Edgardo getting comfortable with his Speedy Paraglider.


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