After the suspended trip to the Dominican Republic last Wednesday, we met today Saturday at La Guancha in Ponce.
This was without much planning, and present were Edgardo Rivera, Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr., Luis Ruiz, Luis Antonio Cruz and visiting us from the USA, the international pilot Evan Purdy, and his family.
The conditions were good for flying until noon and after this the intensity of the winds increased and the conditions deteriorated, and with that we ended the activity.
The first Flights of the morning…
Luis Ruiz was flying the entire Guancha area with Edgardo. Wilkins, for his part, had some problems getting out, and this time he didn’t fly…
Evan Purdy arrived with his family, and Luis Ruiz provided him with a Paramotor (Fly Products Eclipse Moster) and paraglider (Apco F1) and Evan joined the flying adventures.
Another who managed to fly was Luis Antonio, who despite being a novice pilot, only on his 3rd flight, and already managed to visit Cardona Island by flying. He landed just in time before the wind gets too strong.
Strong Winds Are Coming…
Already in the afternoon, and with very strong winds. Edgardo wanted to test his skills by taking off with his ultra-fast 15-meter Flow RPM2 paraglider. The place he used to take off was full of turbulence, so we told him to look for a better takeoff alternative. Edgardo, despite the advice, launched from the turbulent area, and thank God, everything went well, although he kept us tense for several minutes. Watch the video…
A little later, we finished the activity. Thank God for allowing us to live these adventures.