We start the month of November with a lot of action, thanks to the fact that the weather has remained excellent for both practicing and flying.
Early in the morning we met at Villa Pesquera Isabela. Presents were the pilots Alberto Sabah, José “Fio” López, the Instructor Luis Ruiz together with the student Mike Lisowski, who arrived a little late after finishing repairing a tire on the vehicle.
Student/Pilot Fio Lopez Take Off…
Before Mike arrival, we took advantage to use the SkyMax Moster MY22 Paramotor. Fio López will be flying it for the first time.
On previous occasions Fio had used a smaller and less powerful motor, an EOS100 (estimated 18 to 20 HP). This time he would use for first time a powerful Vittorazi Moster MY22 engine. Just like the one he ordered in a Fly Products Eclipse model.
After the required instructions, Fio, Take Off, and not only that, but he do it in low wind conditions, which is difficult to do, even for many more experienced pilots. Joining him on the flight were Luis Ruiz and Alberto Sabah, who, as usual, flew in from the yard of his house to share in the activities.
Student Mike Lisowski will try his First “Solo” Fly…
A little later, it was Mike Lisowski’s turn to try. He would use the same Paramotor, and with a noble 29 meter BGD Wasp paraglider. Luis had indicated to him that everything would be a practice and that if he do everything right, Luis would turn on the Paramotor and we would begin the takeoff process. Mike’s attitude was correct…
Everything goes as planned. Mike controlled the paraglider, Luis turned on his Paramotor, and Mike went flying!!! His first “Solo” flight!!!. BUT…, We must say, that after his Take Off, stabilizing the flight was an issue with Mike. He released one of the toggles at low altitude and deviated from his takeoff path and the wind direction, he did at low altitude while trying to gets comfortable on the harness. It gave us all a big scare. (And we evaluate this with Mike later in the day, in order that never happens again).
Fortunately, some seconds later and under Luis‘s instructions, he managed to stabilize the fly and enjoy his first flight experience, which lasted 30 minutes. His landing went very well and here we share Mike‘s first reactions after his flight.
In the afternoon, there was a forecast of rain. So, we decided to take a well-deserved rest, check and maintain equipment and prepare to return tomorrow. Congratulation to Mike in his First “Solo” Fly!!!