After several weeks of coordination, the Traditional Christmas Activity of Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico was carried out. It took place finally in Villa Pesquera Isabela. The original location for the activity was scheduled for Parque del Norte Hatillo, But after heavy rains and storm surges the previous day, we understood was wiser to move the activity to Isabela. That eventually probed was the best decision since Isabela has larger and safer spaces to be able to fly and to hold a meeting for so many people.
Paramotor Pilots and their families came from all over the island. And this time, unlike the previous day, we had an excellent weather for flying. The recipe was simply served to make it an Epic and Unforgettable day for everyone who attended the activity. There was a lot of coordination behind the scenes, and many people who contributed to make the activity a success. We must mention Edgardo Rivera, José Santini, Neisha Rosario, Ivonne Valdez, Pablo Cruz and many more who shaped all this. THANK YOU!!!
Paramotor Pilots and Families Present at the Activity…
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Carmelo Martínez and his wife Miriam
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Eric Román and his mother
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Sammy Badillo, his wife Yari and son Ian
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Hermes Ferrer Sr. and his wife Awilda
Samuel Travis and his girlfriend Michelle
John Mushnick and his daughter
Edwin Villanueva and his family
Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique
Charles Riggs and his son Evan
Ray Malave and his girlfriend
Enrique González and his girlfriend
Luis “Bussy” Vélez and his son Bebo
Efrain Guzmán Sr. and his son Efrain Jr.
Jason Scheurer and his girlfriend Susan
Jose Santini
Pedro Agostini
Jomar Crespo
Darwin Hernandez
David Silva
Gabriel Martinez
Tim Slauson
Ariel Rodriguez
Fio Lopez
Jesus Rivera
Luis Serrano (Possible student)
Cano Cruz (Possible student)
Arriving to Live the Flight Experience…
Maritza and her family, who reside in Florida, USA
Susan, Jason’s girlfriend
Beginning of the Activity…
Luis Ruiz and Edgardo Rivera arrived early and began to organize everything. Behind them, other pilots like Mario and Ivonne began to arrive, and little by little the activity took shape. In fact, on this occasion, there was a need to set up 6 tents on site!!! We have several videos that best describe what we experienced during the day, so here we go…
Demo flights…
Luis Ruiz and Edgardo Rivera were in charge of carrying out Demo Flights early in the morning. Maritza, a Florida resident, came to repeat her experience. In fact, he has already flown 4 times, and this time she brought his family.
Edgardo and Wilnelia Coordinated the Catering…
Early in the morning there was already breakfast for those attending. Later was the lunch with a typical Puerto Rican food for Christmas for all those present. Edgardo was coordinating this with his friends with the Catering in Aguas Buenas, Wanda Camacho and a helper.
Flights and more flights…
Everyone who arrived with their equipment ready to fly, fly…. Conditions were simply excellent, and stayed that way all day. There was no excuse not to fly. In fact, the majority of pilots flew on several occasions, as was the case of Darwin, Edgardo, Pedro, Alberto, Pablo, Luis, Santini, David, Gabriel, Jomar, Ariel, Ray, Charles, Evan, Enrique, Edwin and Samuel , who was doing some Acro flights that the public enjoyed.
In the case of David and Gabriel, they managed to do a long Cross fly to Hatillo and back.
It was notable that the school’s students, Efrain Sr and Efrain Jr, spent literally all day practicing. Both are already very close to their first “solo” flight. So we will keep you informed of its progress. Also practicing were, Ricardo and Carmelo, who have been out of the sport for years, and there he was training!
On the other hand, Luis Ruiz was using a new 22-meter Sky Zorro paraglider of his personal use for Demo. This was tested on the ground by Noah, Mario, Santini, Bussy and Bebo, and in the air by Luis, Edgardo and Edwin Villanueva. The sensations of this paraglider were very good, easy inflation, speed and safety in the air. Apart from being very pretty and unique.
A little later, Luis would release an 18-meter Sky Z-Blade paraglider, rated for expert level. It was tested by Luis and Darwin. Its agility and speed in flight was surprising. We will provide detailed information later.
Dedication and Tribute to Luis Ruiz…
As part of the activity, a surprise tribute was paid to Luis Ruiz for his contribution to the sport of Paramotoring throughout his 22 years+ in it. Practically most of the pilots in the island have learn in the Team Kamikazes Paramotor school. Even some pilots have already begun to form their own clubs. Thanks again to Edgardo Rivera and José Santini for coordinating this tribute.
Ray Malave and his emergency landing…
Ray was flying all day. In the afternoon his Paramotor unexpectedly failed and caused him to land somewhat far from the tents. To where he landed, several pilots came to his aid and helped him carry his equipment back to the tents. In the end, it turned out that the Spark Plug of his engine simply failed. A change of Spark Plug and Ray was in the air again.
Pilots who arrived after months of inactivity…
It was very nice to see and share with Hermes and his family, Carmelo and Miriam, Eric Román and his mother and Gabriel. For situations beyond their control, they had not been able to attend frequently our activities, and there they were sharing with the entire family of pilots. Thank you!!!
Finishing the Day of Flights…
After a long day of flights, who did you think was the last pilot in the air?…. Well, as expected, Edgardo was still flying closing the activities. It was a great day, Epic and Unforgettable, where, thank God, everyone brought back good memories of the great sharing during this Christmas season, like the great family that we are. Thanks and Merry Christmas to everyone!!!