Thursday, January 25, 2024 – 5th Day of the Paramotor Tour to our friends. This time San German and a Parguera Boat Trip…

We returned to the South, escaping the strong wind of the north coast. This time we went to the Papote’s Burger flight area located next to the PR2 interstate in the town of San Germán. Again, you had to be there early to take advantage of the best weather conditions.

Present were international pilots Dan Bushman, Chris “Banjo” Barnett, Chris Crystal, Mitch Michael and Richard Turner. Jomar Crespo and Luis Ruiz were present on behalf of Team Kamikazes. Edgardo Rivera could not arrive on this occasion.

As expected, the flight conditions were excellent, and after a day without flying, all the pilots went flying and each one of them lived a great experience in an excellent morning. Here we present some videos…

Early in the morning. Getting Ready…
Paramotors Line Up…
Mitch take with him the Windsock Pole at his first attempt…
Mitch Took Off easily at his second attempt…
Chris Crystal Taking Off with style…
Jomar Crespo showing skills in his Take Off.
Delicate situation for Dan Bushman, he managed OK, later he Took Off in a BGD Glider.
Chris Crystal Low Pass and Richard Turner landing behind him.
Chris Crystal landing and Jomar and Dan flying over…
“Banjo” Landing and speaking about his experience…
Dan speaking about his experience and Jomar’s Landing.
Papote’s Burger in San German, excellent option for breakfast in the morning!!!

Boat Trip in La Parguera, Lajas…

After the session of flights, we close the morning visiting Johny’s Boat in La Parguera Lajas. There, our friend and former student from the Team Kamikazes school, Youstin Giel, was going to give us a Boat tour of the different Cays of La Parguera. So, we made a small stop to resupply and buy the right things for the boat trip.

No more flying in the day, so, everyone is getting ready with miscellaneous…

The trip with Youstin was very pleasant, and we toured around different Cays in Parguera.

Getting Ready in the Boat!!!

Eventually we stopped at Turrumote Cay. On one occasion, a couple of years ago, March 17, 2021, David Garber and Luis Ruiz were with some Paramotors…

See the story here…–>>

Touring at Turrumote Cay…
Leaving the Turrumote Cay…

One last Stop at the town of Rincón…

After leaving the Lajas area, we ended up visiting some beaches in the town of Rincón. After that, our friends finished their adventures in the afternoon diving at Shaks Beach in Villa Montana, Isabela. What kind of day, thank God for everything!!!

A visit to Rincon Beaches is a Must!!!


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