Sunday, February 04, 2024 – A Surprise Birthday Party to Luis Ruiz in La Guancha PONCE, and Much, much more…

Looking for the best weather conditions we moved to the southern area on this occasion. La Guancha flight area in Ponce was the place to be… There numerous pilots and family members of the Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico Team gathered. And to Luis Ruiz’s surprise, the pilots and family had coordinated to celebrate Luis Ruiz’s birthday at the location.

There were many stories to tell, and we will go through each of them…

Pilots and Kamikaze Family present…

Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Alberto Sabah and his wife Mercedes
Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr.
Hermes Ferrer, his wife Neisha and daughter Katelyn
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Sammy Badillo, his wife Yari and son Ian
David Silva, his wife Elsie and family
Carmelo MartĂ­nez and his wife Miriam
Luis Antonio Cruz, his wife Jesenia and daughters
Miguel Orona and his wife Maritza
Luis Ruiz
Pedro Agostini
Ken Arciola
David Laboy
Damaris Hernandez

Stories and more stories…

Each pilot present had their own adventures. The flight conditions were excellent and here we summarize the photos and videos that remain in our memories of Team Kamikazes. To everyone who did their bit to make this activity a success, thank you very much!!! Especially to Ivonne with the cake, and David Silva, Pablo Cruz, Alberto Sabah and David Silva for the very special gifts they brought…

The morning did not start very good for Edgardo.
The morning, and Ivonne with her new Car, named “Escarlata”.
Pedro Agostini Taking Off…
New Student Miguel Orona, Carmelo back on Track, and Pedro miscalculate his landing…
Edgardo Rivera joined Pedro Agostini in the visit to the bushes…
Carmelo Martinez back on Track after some years without practicing…
Luis Antonio Cruz Taking Off…
Luis Antonio close call with a tree in the landing process. Video by David Laboy.
Luis Ruiz Taking Off with former pilot and friend Damaris Hernandez!!!
Part of the Experience of Damaris...
She was very happy!!!
The ladies of Team Kamikazes making the difference!!!
Edgardo took the Sky Zorro from the hand of Pedro, and goes for a Ride. (And Pedro kept on Ground).
Edgardo playing with the Zorro, David Laboy with the Video!!!
Edgardo’s Opinion on the Sky Zorro 22-meters…
Wilkins Taking Off with “Elegance”…
The view through the lens of David Laboy Drone…
David Laboy testing a Paramotor on his Back…
Edgardo showing how is the run of Wilkins on his Take Off…
Surprise Birthday!!!! Thank You Very Much!!!!


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