Saturday, April 13, 2024 – Great Day of flying and Training at Anasco Beach!!!

With strong winds on the north and south coasts of the island, we decided to visit Anasco Beach on this occasion, a place where we had not carried out an activity in a while. According to the weather forecasts, we would have wind coming in from the W from 11 AM, ideal for flying and practicing. It would be the best place to fly on the entire island. And it happened!!! From 11 AM we have ideal flight conditions, which would last until 3 PM.

The wind was not in the correct position in the morning. We need to wait…

Pilots and Family of Team Kamikazes Present…

Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Luis Ruiz and his sons Ian Darrell and Noah Enrique
David Garber, his wife Amara and student Pete
Berto Garcia
Fio Lopez
Jason Scheurer and his friend Susan
Richard Figueroa, his brother Javier and their Dad from Connecticut, USA

Living the Flight Experience…

Gerardo Rodríguez arrived with his wife Carmen from Salinas on her birthday

The weather…

As we mentioned, the strong weather in the North and South had brought us back to Anasco. It turns out that sometimes, in this area of ​​​​the West and Center of the island, a phenomenon occurs with the climate that, unlike the coasts, a climate bubble is created where the wind begins to enter from direction W to E, unlike in the coast that travels from E to W. This allows us to fly the entire beach coast from Rincón to Mayaguez. Although we have to be aware when the bubble breaks (we do not know the exact time it happens), since with the break, the air enters from E to W, and with this comes turbulence.

The adventure…

As was indicated by the weather forecasts, the change in wind direction occurred at 11 AM. From that hour, until 3 PM we had excellent Flying and Training conditions.

Luis Ruiz making a short flying testing the weather.

David Garber continued to give intense training to his student Pete. Luis Ruiz also made a Demo Flight to Carmen, who had arrived with her husband Gerardo from Salinas to live her flight experience as part of her birthday. The flight was a success and we leave a short video here of her experiences.

Gerardo and Carmen from Salinas comes to Live the Experience!!!

At the same time, our friend and veteran pilot Berto García also visited, and spent the day with us. Likewise, Richard Figueroa, a veteran Paramotor pilot from Vega Baja, and residing in Connecticut, USA, arrived with his father and brother. He took the opportunity to practice inflation with his paraglider. Also, Jason Scheurer was present, and practiced with his paraglider for future flights.

Richard and Mario kiting their paragliders.

David Garber and Noah Enrique…

At one point during the practices, both Noah and David were playing with the paragliders, performing impressive tricks. This time Noah put David in trouble, before his “unexpected” front and back flip. We leave some videos taken by Ivonne Valdez about their tricks…

Noah Enrique receiving a Towing fly controlled by David Garber.
Noah made 8 official Towing fly controlled by David Garber. A very good instruction for the future!!!
Impressive Skills by Noah. God Bless!!!
David and Noah, simply having a great Time!!!
David Garber, now with bigger Paraglider.
Ivonne and Noah !!!


In the evening, David Garber, Amara, Pete, Luis and Noah visited Mario and Ivonne at their house where Ivonne had prepared a delicious dinner and great sharing. THANKS to Mario and Ivonne, very appreciated! Tomorrow it’s time to fly again, this time in Isabela, Stay Tuned…

Dinner Time… Thanks to Mario and Ivonne!!!


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