Wednesday, April 17, 2024 – Training Day for Chino Morales and Jose Perez, previous to their first “Solo” Fly. Tomorrow is the Day…

After two days of rain and wind, the weather conditions finally began to improve again. Before this panorama, we returned to Villa Pesquera Isabela to continue the training of the students Chino Morales and José Pérez. They are almost ready to try their first “solo” flights and that is on the agenda for tomorrow, as long as we manage to get a good practice today…

Around noon Luis Ruiz arrived at the place, and there were David Garber and his student Pete, who was on his last day of training before returning back to Pennsylvania. In the case of David and Amara, they will stay a few more days on the island.

David Garber was flying together with his student Pete…

Today, in fact, in the afternoon, David, accompanied by the pilots Samuel Travis and Paul Whitmore, were on Paul‘s property, in the Cliff. From there they Took Off in Free Fly modality, taking advantage of the winds entering from the North. They flew for more than a hour.

The Students Trainings…

Chino Morales and José Pérez arrived punctually for training. With the excellent conditions of the day, Luis Ruiz give both of them some flights using the Towing method. We want to correct any details when it was their turn to fly “solo” with the Paramotor.

Chino Morales started “rough” his Towing Fly practice…
Jose Perez receiving a Towing Fly, as part of his Training…
Chino Morales also receiving a Towing Fly…

Later, Luis take them for a Tandem fly with him, both Chino and José were in charge of the paraglider controls for several minutes, while Luis gave them instructions. Pilots Jomar Crespo and Paul Whitmore arrived also late afternoon to join the group and made some flights.

Jomar Crespo Taking Off late afternoon…

It was a day very well spent. If the weather conditions are favorable tomorrow, as expected, we will be attempting the students first “Solo” flights tomorrow. Stay Tuned…


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