Very intense day of flights at Isabela. From the first hours of the day it was a complete challenge for the pilot community. There was storm clouds with a lot of wind. In order to fly, you had to have good experience and the right equipment to do it…
Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr.
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Fio Lopez
Darwin Hernandez
Wilkins “Chino” Morales
Jomar Crespo
Luis Ruiz
The Stormy morning …
In the morning, Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia were already camping in the Posa de Teodoro area. They were accompanied by Jomar Crespo, Chino Morales and Darwin Hernández. They spent the night there. Later Mario and his wife Ivonne would arrive, and Wilkins Torres would arrive at night in his family to camp.
Luis Ruiz, for his part, arrived directly to Villa Pesquera Isabela. He will attend students and carry out a couple of introductory flights to the sport. Upon arriving at the place, Luis found Sammy Badillo’s Pick up parked, he had gone out flying very early in the morning and had landed at Edgardo‘s camp in Posa de Teodoro.
BUT…There was a problem…, A huge storm cloud is approaching the flight zone from Quebradillas. The winds were increasing in intensity rapidly.
If Sammy didn’t arrive on time, he ran the risk of not being able to fly later and would have to be picked up by car. But just when Luis was evaluating these possibilities, Sammy arrived flying. He landed just in time before the storm arrived in its entirety.
After the storm the weather improving…
Once the storm passed, little by little the weather improved. Although the wind intensity never dropped and there was considerable turbulence throughout the region. Fio López also arrived and this time his wife came to share a little with us.
Once the conditions stabilized, Luis Ruiz took the opportunity to perform the introductory Demo Flight of Alondra, who arrived with her partner Pascual, from Guanica.
Once the Demo Flights were completed, Sammy, Fio and Luis went out to fly together, and met with Jomar, Edgardo and Darwin at Posa de Teodoro. We had a nice time there and between meals. Also we made some flights along the coast. Fio López this time following Sammy, indicated that he had never flown in this type of turbulence.
Paragliders Speed…
Did you remember that Jomar Crespo was adjusting the speed bar of his Paramotor? Well, this time, Edgardo and Jomar met in the air. Jomar was testing an ultra-fast paraglider from Luis Ruiz, the Sky Z-Blade of 18 meters, and Edgardo was flying his beloved Flow RPM2 of 15 meters. Here we leave some video that best describes the action…
We kept flying and hanging for sometime. In the case of Edgardo, Wilkins Torres, Darwin, Chino, etc. The kept camping at Posa de Teodoro.
Extra Videos!!!