Wednesday and Thursday, May 01/02, 2024: We began the Adventures of Pilots Noah Hurley and Tanyel Yildirok that comes from WYOMING!!!

With the arrival of the month of May, we received the visit of our new friends from Jackson, Wyoming Noah Hurley and his partner Tanyel Yildirok. Both are experienced Paragliding and Hang Gliding pilots, in addition to being experts in Snow Boarding among other things. Here we could show some of their videos flying in Wyoming

Snow Boarding and Paragliding in the mountains of Wyoming!!! This is Noah Take Off…
Tanyel’s turn to Take Off…

They came to Puerto Rico for a few days to develop their Paramotor skills with the Instructor Luis Ruiz and the Team Kamikazes school. In this story we are going to detail their first two days of adventures, in which not much could be done due to the weather. Even so, they were very happy to be on the island with our pleasant climate, very different from what they have right now in Wyoming.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024: Very windy weather…

We met early in the morning at Villa Pesquera Isabela. But already at 8:30 AM the winds were over 20 mph+ and the intensity was not going to decrease. So we decided to postpone the activities for tomorrow. The forecasts indicate that we will have better conditions for practicing and possible flying.

Noah and Tanyel are very happy to be here in Puerto Rico!!!

Thursday, May 02, 2024… Weather improving, and a window for flying…

As we agreed, Luis Ruiz met early in the morning with Noah and Tanyel at Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time the wind conditions had improved, and we could start practicing with the paragliders and possibly try a flight later in the morning.

We started practicing with the paragliders on Ground. For this matter, Luis gave Noah a BGD Luna 2 26-meter paraglider, and for Tanyel, an Apco F1 22-meters. But were kiting with the paragliders on ground, showing their skills. In the meantime, Luis Ruiz was checking the weather, and preparing the Paramotors that they are going to use in the next days.

Starting the Kiting session…
Tanyel join Noah in the practices…

Noah are going to use the SkyMax Moster MY22 Paramotor and Tanyel, the ultralight and new, FlyProducts Eclipse Atom80. The weather was getting bad by the minute, we need to hurry, and for that matter, we tried that at least Tanyel gets a short fly before the rain arrives. That’s because her Paramotor was ready to use, the one that Noah are going to use need some preparation.

With the assistance and instructions from Luis, Tanyel Take Off successfully!!! and goes flying for some minutes. But the rain was coming fast, so, she need to land quick…

Tanyel was in the air, but need to land asap…

A new Window for flying between Clouds…

Eventually, when we were thinking about finish the activity, the skies goes clear for some minutes. A new window for flying appear. So, we need to try that now they gets in the air together and we succeed!!

Noah and Tanyel finally flying together!!!
Noah and Tanyel talking about their experiences!!!


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