Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico and Luis Ruiz received a visit from the international Paragliding and Paramotor pilots, David Tejeda, his wife Modesta and daughter Alicia with her husband and also pilot Carlos Rodríguez. These were four (4) days on the island in paramotoring activities and each and every one of them was full of adventures. Here the stories…
Monday, June 24, 2024 – The arrival…
Luis Ruiz was with Alberto Sabah flying in the morning hours in Isabela. The winds were strong, 20 mph+, and Luis Ruiz was checking and adjusting the Paramotors for the next few days of adventure.
In the afternoon David and his family arrived at Luis‘s house. It was raining so flying was not an option. So we went to dinner, and then Luis bring them a tour around Aguada and Rincón, with tourist places. At the same time we took the opportunity to visit a possible area where practice Paraglider is possible. Pico Atalaya in Rincon.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – First Practices and Windy conditions…
In the morning Luis Ruiz met with David and family in Villa Pesquera Isabela. Luis Ruiz made a demonstration flight with his Sky Zorro paraglider, in strong wind conditions. Showing them how advanced Paramotor equipment was today to fly in strong wind conditions without major problems.
David, Alicia and Carlos took the opportunity to start practicing inflating in those conditions with the 14-meter BGD Seed Training paragliders. In the next few days this will be very useful for when it is time to do the Paramotor flights.
From there in the afternoon we continued with tourism. This time we visited the tourist (and populated) Crash Boat beach in Aguadilla. Later we spent the afternoon sharing with Alberto Sabah and his family at their house in Isabela.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 – First Flights…
We returned early to the Villa Pesquera Isabela. This time we found foggy weather conditions that were acceptable for flying. Luis Ruiz provided a modern Fly Products Eclipse Atom80 paramotor to Alicia, along with a 26-meter BGD Luna 2 paraglider.
Also, provided a Fly Products Rider Moster to David, and he had his 26-meter Gin paraglider. They both went flying together around the area, and, as Modesta told us, they had not been able to make a joint flight like this for years. Great!!!
Luis Ruiz, in turn, took the pilot Carlos Rodríguez to fly with him in Tandem. We make sure that everything was fine with his subsequent flight, which he do later in the day. Luis, also fly Tandem with Modesta and the possible student, Edwin Cornier. The pilot friend and Sammy Badillo was also present.
Thursday, June 27, 2024 – More flights, this time in windy conditions…
Luis Ruiz once again provided equipment to Alicia and David for their flights. This time in wind conditions of 17 mph with some gusts of 20 mph.
For this it was necessary for both Alicia and David to change and use a modern paraglider capable of flying in these conditions. The Sky Zorro, the favorite of Luis, was by far the best option.
Flying with them were the Kamikazes pilots Fio López, Alberto Sabah, Mario Muñiz and Sammy Badillo, who this time was testing an ultra-fast paraglider, the 18-meter Sky Z-Blade. We believe is one of the fastest paragliders in the world and Sammy was flying it very comfortable in windy conditions…
Both Alicia and David had words of praise for their flight experiences and the Sky Zorro paraglider.
Also arriving was the international pilot, from Missouri, and living in Texas, USA, Wells Brewpster, who on this occasion was practicing with the paragliders in preparation for flying tomorrow.
With these flights, we finish the adventures of David, Modesta, Alicia and Carlos as far as flights are concerned. Later in the week, they would visit the southern area of the island and all the possible attractions in that area. Thank you for your support and we hope to meet again soon!!!
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