It took 21 days (3 weeks) for us to finally have ideal conditions to practice our sport and fly. From July 06 we did not have conditions that would allow us to fly at will and throughout the day. So we tried to make the best of it as we could.
Pilots and Family of Team Kamikazes Present…
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Raúl Rivera Sr and his son Raulito
Wilkins Torres, his wife Brenda and son Wilkins Jr.
Miguel Orona
Chino Morales (on his birthday!!!)
Sammy Badillo
Fio Lopez
The morning’s actions…
The students Raúl Rivera Sr and his son Raulito took advantage of the morning hours to continue their hard training. The instructor Luis Ruiz took both of them for a Tandem fly with him as part of the training. Both students had the opportunity to take the controls in the air and feel the dynamics of flight.
A little later, with Pablo‘s assistance, we performed Towing flights for both of them, and they did it with excellence. They are quickly getting ready for their first “solo” flight. Brenda Lopez, (also ready for her first “solo” Fly). The pilots Miguel Orona and Ricky González joined them in practice.
The pilots…
Wilkins Torres, Chino Morales, Mario Muniz and Sammy Badillo took advantage of the good conditions to go flying in the morning. Everyone showing great skills. On this occasion, Chino, after flying and sharing with us, had to leave early due to previous commitments because it was his birthday. Congratulations!!!
The afternoon and a visit to Jobos Beach (flying)…
The pilots Luis Ruiz, Sammy Badillo and Fio López, without much planning, decided to visit Jobos Beach in the afternoon. By the time they took off in the direction of Jobos, the winds intensity was at about 12 – 15 mph. It was manageable, and the pilots managed to successfully land right next to the “Foso Jacinto”.
Once there, they went for some snacks, and take the traditional walk along the beach. Jobos was completely Full!!!
Then it was time to return to Villa Pesquera. When the pilots arrived at the Foso Jacinto area to take off, the winds had increased in intensity and now were between 16 to 22 mph+, with gusts. That situation complicated the Take Off of Fio and Sammy, big time…
Eventually the 3 pilots managed to get out and arrived back at Villa Pesquera, where shortly after that we finished our activities for the day. It was a great day with great friendships and that’s what it’s all about. God Bless !!!
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