Sunday, August 04, 2024 – We keep Training new Students of the School…

Again strong weather conditions to be able to enjoy our sport at ease. This time we only had the morning to be able to give training to new students at the school.

We met at Villa Pesquera Isabela. Present were the Instructor Luis Ruiz, his son Noah Enrique, and the students Raúl Rivera Sr, Raúl Rivera Jr., José Rolón, Harry Padilla, Edwin Rivera and José Luis Hernández. Each of them took advantage of the morning to continue their learning tasks in preparation for their first “solo” flight.

Today, we received the visit of the student, Jose Luis Hernandez, who have been out for some months due to his work. He shows great skills, and as always, ready for major challenges. Also, Edwin Rivera, comes for his first official day of Training. He kite and control the paraglider showing good skills.

Here we share some videos and photos of the morning’s activities…

Part of the Students Training.
More Action and Edwin Rivera showing skills for his first time kiting a paraglider.

Extra Videos…

After the Training Session, Edwin Rivera and Jose Rolon made a challenge in a 20 meters Race!!!


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