Storm/Hurricane Ernesto passed close to Puerto Rico two days ago, just as forecasts indicated. There were floods in Puerto Rico, but it could have been much worse, and in the next few days, everything was heading back to normal.
Our First Flights After the Hurricane…
Our first possibility of flights and practice arrived on Friday. And we took advantage of it after spending some days taking care of things in our homes.
Luis Ruiz went early in the morning to Villa Pesquera Isabela. The wind was ideal and constant coming from NE at 5 to 8 mph. Luis took the opportunity to test his small Paramotor SkyMax EOS100, which he was testing and adjusting. It had not been used for months, and Luis is planning to give it to his students on their first flights. So, he want to be sure that everything was in order. He discovered some details and adjustments to make…
Some minutes later, he finished the morning using his SkyMax Pulsar Paramotor to take a “Cross” flight along the entire coast. It was very pleasant after spent several days in stormy conditions at home.
Pico de Piedra Beach, Aguada…
In the afternoon, Luis went with his son Noah Enrique to the Pico de Piedra Beach in Aguada where little Noah was practicing inflating with a XIX paraglider, from his father’s warehouse. This paraglider was one of the first two paragliders that Luis had when he started in the sport in 1999 in Colombia. And 25 years later, it still maintains some good inflation attributes. Awesome!!!