Wednesday, October 02, 2024 – Not everything is “Peaches & Cream”. A very good Story!!!

Today was one of those unforgettable days. And things happened that were not planned and which were memorable. But let’s move on… First, we have to say that we met early in the morning at the area of Villa Pesquera Isabela.

Pilots and Family of Team Kamikazes Present…

Edgardo Rivera
Mario Muñiz
Sherly Hernandez
Luis Ruiz
Darwin Hernandez
John Harmon
Sammy Badillo

These stories will be divided into two parts, the morning adventures, and the afternoon adventures. And both were epic and unforgettable…

The morning…

Luis Ruiz arrived early in the morning to continue the training of the new Team student, Sherly Hernández. She continues with her paragliding control practices on the ground. There is a lot of work to do, but Sherly has a great attitude for this challenge. Sherly was only there for a couple of hours, and had to leave early due to work commitments.

Sherly trying a big 29-meter Paraglider.

Later Luis, Mario and Edgardo prepared for a “cross” flight taking advantage of the excellent weather conditions. The plans and how they carried them out was to fly along the entire coast at low altitude.

Getting Ready for the “Cross” Fly…

And in that flight pattern, we even reached Survival Beach in Aguadilla. Mario had never flown that area. And the average altitude of the flight was 20 ft.

Following the plans, the next stop was to land at Jobos Beach. Everything was perfect, until Mario, during his landing, let the paraglider fall on some beach grape trees.

Mario’s Landing at Jobos…
Edgardo landing at Jobos…

The situation gets complicate a bit since the paraglider got quite tangled in the branches and it was not easy to get it out of the place. The sun and heat did not help at all to remove it from the area. Edgardo was helping Mario with the work at the trees and later Luis was in charge of untangling it in order to fly back to Villa Pesquera.

Help on the way…
Help on the way II…
“Ivonne, comes for me !!!”

But before the Take Off, we went to Jobos to hydrate, and thanks to that Mario regained his energy to be able to take off again.

Hydration Time !!!
Hydration Time II…

Definitely a story that Mario will remember for the rest of his life!!! Just before taking off, the pilot Darwin Hernández arrived flying and landed close to us in Jobos. And flew with us again back to Villa Pesquera…

Darwin Hernandez landing at Jobos…

The Afternoon…

Once the pilots returned to Villa Pesquera, Luis ordered some pizzas for the people in the Tent and organized an Introduction fly to William Torres, who traveled from Bayamon to live his flying experience. (Willymofongosarepas on Instagram). We handle to do a great Fly.

William Torres Live experience!!!

And after this fly, the adventures began again… Darwin went out to fly with his friend and pilot John Harmon, as part of the introductory flight. Due to things in life, they had landed on “El Pastillo” beach in Isabela. Edgardo Rivera also arrived there. But, due to the narrow space, they could not take off again, at least easily. In the meantime, Luis Ruiz, Sammy Badillo and Mario were flying without problems in Villa Pesquera.

After some long minutes, finally, both Edgardo and Darwin with John managed to leave the Pastillo area. Once they were in Villa Pesquera, Darwin helped John to attempt a flight on his Paramotor. The situations that occurred in the try were fun, but at the end John took off and had a very good flight.

Darwin felt in the run…

With this fly, we were supposed to finish the flight activities, right? But… Edgardo Rivera had other plans… the clouds were low, at about 2,000 ft, and Edgardo wanted to climb over them while appreciating the sunset from above. He took off and managed to do it, but he did not calculate his descent, which took way longer than planned since the clouds had ascending air currents that delayed Edgardo’s descent to ground…

The end of the story…?

It was supposed that after Edgardo landed, it was a matter of going home…, and that’s what most of us did…, but… Edgardo for some reason, after this last flight, lost the keys of his vehicle!!!, and it became night in Isabela… a tense moment, no matter how much they searched the area, they keys did not appear… and the night and darkness arrived.

The Keys are lost…

Plan B…

Edgardo called his wife Wilnelia at Aguas Buenas, there, one of Edgardo’s friends could take a copy of the key to Dorado, where Darwin Hernández would take Edgardo in his vehicle at the meeting point. Then with the keys, they will return to Isabela and Edgardo could leave to his home. And so, they managed to do it… BUT Legends said that the story of Darwin and Edgardo continued that night. There was more stories to tell… but ask Darwin or Edgardo about that…


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