Friday and Saturday, October 11 – 12, 2024 – Back to Isabela, and this time with the Corona Pro Surf Event at Full Competition…

With the official start of the Corona Pro Surf in Isabela, we continue with excellent weather conditions again. That means more adventures to tell…

Friday, October 11, 2024…

It is incredible that today, we had Hurricane Milton in the north of the island. This was the same Hurricane that affected the State of Florida, USA, and as it moved towards the W, it reached the North of the island and later moved away in a North direction. All of this kept conditions ideal for flying, and for the Surfing Event, it kept waves ideal for competition.

The pilots Wilkins “Chino” Morales, Mario Muñiz and Luis Ruiz came to fly in Isabela. Also, Emilia Ramos and her husband Desi arrived from San Germán to live their flight experiences.

Starting the morning with style by Chino Morales!!!
Getting Ready!!!

In excellent flying conditions, Chino, Mario and Luis went to fly the entire coast in “cross” with large paragliders that allowed slow and low altitude flights. Everyone had a great adventure. Here we present some videos of their experiences.

Video by Mario Muniz flying over Jobos Beach and crossing with Luis Ruiz as part of one of his Introductory Flights.
Chino Morales flying over the Corona Pro Surf Event !!!

The Introductory Flights…

Emilia and Desi, they both flew with Instructor Luis Ruiz and had a great experience. We present a video that best describes their experience.

Luis Ruiz taking off with Desi on his Birthday. He runs pretty good !!!
The turn of Emilia Ramos. She runs very good too…
Emilia and Desi Video from Luis Ruiz perspective…

Saturday, October 12, 2024…

We returned to Isabela, and this time we already had a lot of activity from both, pilots and from the event and the surrounding area.

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…

Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Sammy Badillo
Fio Lopez
Miguel Orona
Luis Ruiz

Living the Flight experiences…

Andy Roche and his friend Elisabeth from San Juan
Johanna, accompanied by her husband Emilio from Ponce

The adventure…

The wind came gently from the North at about 5 mph, this was enough for the pilots Ricky, Sammy and Fio to take off and fly around the Surfing Event and all the Coast. On a pleasant note, Miguel this time managed to take off, his persistence and practices paying off, he made his 4th flight of his young career. Congratulations!!!

Fio Lopez Production for the Day, OMG !!!

The Introductory Flights…

Luis Ruiz carried out the introductory flights to the sport for Andy, Elisabeth, and later for Johanna. All of them with very challenging takeoffs due to the light wind conditions. But everyone also had a great flying experience.

Andy & Elisabeth Experience!!!
A short video of the Johann experience!!!

We left from Isabela at 4 PM, tomorrow Sunday we expect a big meeting with the Kamikaze Family and we need to prepare equipment for the occasion. God Bless!!!


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