In the morning we decided to meet early in Villa Pesquera Isabela. By the time Instructor Luis Ruiz arrived at 9 AM, the activities had already begun for some time. Edgardo Rivera had arrived at 7 AM and with plans to fly the entire coast early. For that, he had planned to go flying with his ultra-fast 15-meter Flow RPM2 paraglider, but he didn’t count on the fact that there would be no wind to take off. But first, let’s mention who was present at the activity…
Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…
Mario Muñiz and his wife Ivonne
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Wilkins “Chino” Morales
Edgardo Rivera
Ricardo Gonzalez
Sammy Badillo
Sherly Hernandez
Jomar Crespo
Robert Rodriguez
Luis Ruiz
Continuing with Edgardo’s morning story…
Luis Ruiz arrived at 9 AM, and Edgardo had not been able to take off… YES, believe it or not, he had not been able to leave. Cero to light winds and the 15-meter Paraglider are a big challenge for hi. Already in the area were Sherly, who was practicing and Chino Morales who was assisting Edgardo in his attempts. Later, Mario and Ivonne joined the action.
Here we leave a compilation of videos, prepared by Edgardo Rivera, that best explain the complete adventure…
Later in the morning, Edgardo was joined in the flight by the pilots Chino Morales, Mario Muniz and Sammy Badillo. they flew together for a while.
Unexpected Visit and Surprise…
After the first rounds of flying, we received an unexpected visit. From Carmen, with a gift… BUT, who is Carmen? Gift?, To Whom? Well, better check the video!!!
Some Take Off from the Pilots…
Here we include some Take Off from the pilots in the area. Thanks to Ivonne Valdez for record everyone of them…
The Cross Fly to Jobos Beach…
In the afternoon, the pilots Edgardo Rivera, Luis Ruiz, Mario Muniz, Pablo Cruz and Ricardo Gonzalez head their flights to Jobos Beach. The plans are to land there, tour around the beach, take some drinks and fly back to Villa Pesquera. Everyone of them realize the fly. For Ricky was the first time that he join us in this adventure, and was excellent in his landing. Robert Rodriguez also Take Off but had unexpected power problems with his engine…
The pilot Jomar Crespo was already waiting for us in Jobos, and made a video of the arrival of Mario.
Then, it was time to Take Off again to go back to Villa Pesquera, but for Pablo, it was not possible. His Paramotor was giving him problems, and eventually, Edgardo land in Villa Pesquera and goes in a Pickup to rescue Pablo at Jobos. Thanks Edgardo!!!