Sunday, December 22, 2024 – Great achievements in the last activity previous to Christmas Day 2024!!!

Excellent weather, several good pilots present, and this is the perfect formula for an unforgettable day of flights…

Starting the morning…

Kamikaze Pilots and Family Present…

Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique
Pablo Cruz and his wife Millie
Edgardo Rivera and his wife Wilnelia
Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Mario Muñiz, his wife Ivonne and son Jordan (visiting the island)
Darwin Hernandez
Sammy Badillo
Jomar Crespo
Randy Kester from Wisconsin, USA

Living the Flight Experience…

Lisaura Marías traveling from Yauco.

Starting the morning – Edgardo and Darwin…

With excellent flying weather, the stories began very early in the morning. Edgardo Rivera and Darwin Hernández went out to fly early and with Full Tanks on his Paramotors… So, big plans ahead fro them. They gained altitude and disappear through the layer of clouds that covered us, to do so they climbed to over 4,000 feet high. After that we didn’t hear from them again until at least an hour when they arrived over the horizon… Here we present a video of both of them talking about their adventures…

Video by Chino Morales, when Edgardo fly over his home!!!
Edgardo Rivera showing mastery in his landing, Video in Slow Mo by Pablo Cruz.
Darwin Hernandez showing mastery in his landing, Video in Slow Mo by Pablo Cruz.
An Interview with the Pilots !!!

Mario Muñiz…

On this occasion, Mario Muñiz also started very early, but to give inflation classes to his son Jordan, who is visiting the island. Jordan looked very good in his practice and it will surely be a matter of time before we sees him fly alone… Later in the morning Mario decided to change some paraglider lines to his BGD Luna 2 paraglider. He was not satisfied with how they turned out, and decided not to take it out to fly.

Randy Kester…

Randy is taking advantage of every minute on the island. This time, he filled the gas tank of his Paramotor, and went to fly “cross”, his specialty, and covered the route from Isabela to Arecibo and back to Isabela. He covered around 60 miles+ (90 km)!!!

Luis Ruiz doing some Tandem as Introductory of the Sport…

Luis Ruiz was carrying out the flight of Lisaura Matias, who had always been interested in living the flight experience. She arrived from Yauco. Here we present a video of her adventures.

Lisaura Matias having a great moment !!!

Later, Luis also took his son Noah Enrique to fly, as part of his instruction, and this time Noah was in charge of the flight controls. Very excited about little Noah‘s learning. God Bless!!!

Noah in the controls, Video by Edgardo Rivera.
Noah in the controls of the Fly…

Pablo Cruz…

Pablo was helping all the pilots in their takeoffs and at the same time he kept flying around the area all morning. Always showing his elegance and experience on his flights. He was accompanied by Jomar and Sammy on their flights.

Cross flight with landing at Jobos Beach…

In the afternoon, and with light winds, some pilots decided to go to Jobos Beach. The pilots who signed up for the adventure were Edgardo Rivera, Ricardo González, Sammy Badillo and Luis Ruiz. They all flew out in a group from Villa Pesquera and after a few minutes they landed at Jobos Beach. We start to do this as a routine. It is special and great to visit this special Beach with all that it has to offer…

The pilots, as usual, walked around the area, have some refreshments, and then flew back to Villa Pesquera. Here we a video of their adventures. We ended at Villa Pesquera, eating Pizza courtesy of Ivonne Valdes. Thanks!!!

Team Kamikazes visiting Jobos Beach by Air…


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