Thursday and Friday, December 26 / 27, 2024 – After Christmas Day, we had (2) Fabulous Day of flying, and we get the most of it !!!

After a well-deserved Christmas break with our loved ones, we returned to our flights. Once again we returned to Villa Pesquera Isabela and we had excellent flight conditions. Or rather, the best flight conditions of the past few weeks. North winds of 5 mph were the norm both days!!!

Luis Ruiz was accompanied by the pilot and friend Randy Kester, who has been visiting the island for the first time. He came from Wisconsin, USA, and obviously the weather here is very different from what he usually flies in, at least in Winter.

Thursday, December 26, 2024…

Starting the morning!!!

Luis Ruiz and Randy were flying non-stop all day along the coast of Isabela. On this occasion, Randy filled the gas tank of his Paramotor, and flew consecutively for two and a half hours without taking a break!!!

Randy Kester Taking Off for a 2.5 Hours Fly…
Randy making a Low Pass over Poso Jacinto, Isabela.
Luis Ruiz making a Live Video with excellent conditions at Villa Pesquera, Isabela.

Luis Ruiz, for his part, and between his flights, made a landing at Jobos Beach where he took the opportunity to eat something.

The view from Jobos, by Luis Ruiz.
The Take Off from Jobos Beach to return to Villa Pesquera…

Subsequently, when he arrived to Villa Pesquera again, he made two Introduction flights. One to Amber, who arrived from Vega Baja with her family, and turned out to be a relative of Rhode Island‘s pilot friend, Eliseo Nogueras Jr. Amber was very happy with her flight experience.

Short Video of the Experience of Amber!!!

Then it was Mr. William Mari’s turn to fly. He arrived from San Germán to live his flying experiences. He previously coordinated to live his experience today, and had a great time of flying. With this we ended our adventures for the day!!!

William Mari traveled from San German to accomplished his wishes of flying.

Friday, December 27, 2024…

Once again we have excellent conditions for flying. Northerly winds of 3 to 5 mph were the norm all day. This time Luis was accompanied on his flying adventures by pilots Sammy Badillo, Fio López and Randy Kester, who also was accompanied by his friend Sonia.

All the pilots flying as they please, of course…, after being able to take off, since the winds force them to run a lot to be able to take off.

Fio Lopez made this excellent video of his adventure of the Day!!!

On this occasion, Luis made an Introduction Flight to the sport for Sonia, Randy‘s friend. Who enjoyed a great experience, which in this case we reached Jobos Beach.

At 4 PM, Luis had already put away his equipment, but he left one ready, and went to fly along the entire coast at low altitude. It was an excellent flight, and this was carried out thinking that starting tomorrow the weather conditions will be very different (winds of 25 mph+), thanks to the entry of a strong cold front to the island. But at least these past two days were made the most of it. God Bless!!!

Last Good weather on 2024… and we flew it!!!

Extra Video!!!

Luis from Border Patrol, stop to say Hi, and looking for Jomar Crespo…


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