The excellent days to fly and practice Paramotoring continue. At the Team Kamikazes Paramotor Puerto Rico school, today, we gave the student Sherly Hernández a hard time training. She is getting ready for her first “solo” flight, scheduled for the next few days.
Sherly was practicing during the morning and afternoon. Light winds were the norm of the day, but for Sherly, a little more was needed so that she could keep the paraglider inflated more easily. In short, it was a day very well spent, and this will help her in her future attempts.
Another Happy Face…
At one point during the day, Luis Ruiz took the opportunity to perform the introduction flight to the sport for Carolina, who arrived accompanied by her father, Rick, and her family. Sherly took some videos of the fly, which we share below.
Later in the afternoon, Sherly continued her training, she was exhausted.
In the meantime, Luis finished the afternoon flying around the area…