Monday, February 17, 2025 – Good Pilots, Good Weather, the PERFECT Formula for an amazing Day (JOBOS Beach)!!!

Taking advantage of the fact that it is a Holiday Monday (Presidents’ Day), several pilots met during the day at Villa Pesquera Isabela. And we had the pleasant news that the winds continue to decrease in intensity. Today was a steady 15-18 mph, perfect for flying all day (as long as you have the correct flying equipment).

This time present were Edgardo Rivera (who always that he comes to the activities, there is a story worth telling), Wilkins “Chino” Morales, Sammy Badillo, David Silva and Luis Ruiz. All excellent pilots and ready for adventure.

Chino Morales getting ready…
Edgardo and David Silva arriving and getting ready!!!

Tandem Flights – Introduction to the sport…

Luis Ruiz had a busy morning, carrying out some introductory flights to the sport. These flights had been left pending in recent days due to the wind intensity. Present were, Zenaida Adrovet (repeating her experience from few years ago), her brother Manuel, Ella (from Ohio, USA), Joel (from Florida, USA) and Elias (from Isabela). A very active morning and each and every one of them lived their flight experience at Best!!! Here we include short videos of their adventures.

Living the experience of flying. A lot of fun and adventure!!!

The pilots and the adventures of the day…

Edgardo and Chino Morales arrived early morning, and for Chino, he was going to use for first time his new ITV Piper paraglider 22 meter. He needed to do some practice and adjustments, before gets in the air with it for first time. Although, he was not the only one to test the Paraglider. Shortly after, Edgardo and Sammy also tested it. Edgardo later also took a 16 meter Ozone FreeRide to fly, which is perfect for his flying style and will possibly be his companion for future adventures.

Chino flying the ITV and Edgardo flying the Ozone, and loving it (check the audio)…

A Special flying visit to Jobos Beach…

Once Luis Ruiz finished the pending introduction flights, the plan from all the pilots is arriving flying to Jobos Beach. We would land there, taking some refreshments and visit the area, then we will Take Off again, back to Villa Pesquera. This would be the first time that David Silva made this journey with us.

Landing at Jobos Beach at the perspective of Luis Ruiz.
The landings at Jobos Beach…

Eventually, everything runs smooth and we leave here some extra videos of the adventures…

Jobos Beach at 3 PM in the afternoon.
First Time of David Silva making this trip…
Time to return to Villa Pesquera, here Sammy Badillo.
David Silva…
Edgardo Rivera…

Was a great day of flying and stories to be remember. Always Thanking God for all the blessings and opportunities !!!

Ending… what a great Day!!! God Bless!!!


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