Thursday, February 20, 2025 – Some special flights at Isabela and International PPG Pilot Phil Heuker in the House!!!

We were at Villa Pesquera Isabela early in the morning. This time we have very good weather conditions to fly. Luis Ruiz had the task of carrying out the Introduction Flight to the sport for Vitaly and his wife Irina, who are visiting the island (considering to stay) and reside in Virginia, USA. These flights had been postponed in the past few days due to weather, and they had the patience to wait, (Thanks) and today was finally the day. They received the instructions from Luis, and both had a great flight experience. We leave here a short video of their aerial adventures. If you like that and want to try this experience, just let us know. You could be in the air, more sooner than later!!!

Vitaly and Irina having a great experience of flying!!!

In the meantime, we receive the visit of the pilot Phil Heuker, from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He has been enjoying the island for a few days, and today it was his turn to fly. Luis Ruiz provided him with all the gear, and Phil was flying all over the coast for at least an hour. He was very happy with his experience and is already promising to return in the near future.

Phil Heuker Take Off…

Some Play Ground by Luis Ruiz, Videos by Cheo Roman…

After this, Luis Ruiz was sharing with the visit of his friend and pilot José “Cheo” Román, who was also assisting Luis on some of his flights, and took some videos that we shared with you.

Luis Taking Off…
Luis Ruiz enjoying the Fly…
Landing (with style). Videos by Cheo Roman.
Park in the grass, not in the sand…


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