Last (3) Days of February 2025 (26, 27 & 28) – From Isabela, to Lajas, and back to Isabela again…

With excellent weather the last 3 days of the month, we were flying (a lot). And this time not only in Isabela, but we also visited the Lajas Valley…

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 – Isabela…

Luis Ruiz was in Villa Pesquera Isabela in the morning. This time with excellent flying conditions and the visit of the international pilot Dave Hinrisch, a native of New Hampshire, USA.

Luis provided him with the flight equipment, and Dave was flying and discovering the smoothness fly in the area and the beautiful coast of Isabela.

Dave Hinrisch, some practice before Taking Off…
Dave having a great time!!!

Dave was very impressed with the quality of the flight and the beauty of the beach coast. He even went far, indicating that of all the places he has flown, this was the best place or was very close to it. He is already promising to return in the near future.

Dave Recommendations… Thanks and welcome anytime!!!

Luis was also doing some introductory flights to the sport. This time to Nate and his wife Danielle, and her sister Kate. They are coming from Minnesota, USA, and were visiting the island. Here we present a Video that best resume their experiences.

Nate, Danielle and Kate from Minnesota, USA, enjoying the experience!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2025 – Lajas…

Luis Ruiz and Edgardo Rivera visited José Sánchez Sr. at his land in the Lajas Valley. The idea was to fly the entire Valley, which for these days has been covered in fog. To achieve this, the 3 pilots arrived to Lajas before 6:30 AM.

Ready to Fly at sunrise in Lajas Valley!!!

Edgardo was the first to Take Off, and he managed to fly in the fog and he even gained altitude and managed to fly over the beautiful Parguera.

The view of Edgardo Rivera on the mist, while fly in direction to Guanica town.
Edgardo flying over majestic Parguera in Lajas !!!

Luis, for his part, stayed helping José so he could take off, but there were some setbacks, and after a failed attempt, José decided not to fly.

Jose Sanchez Sr., getting ready. He need to Take Off toward the mist and sun. Amazing!!!

Luis then took off and met Edgardo in the air and they flew to the town of Guanica. Upon returning to Lajas, at around 8:15 AM, the weather had already begun to turn thermal and both pilots decided to land.

In the afternoon, Luis Ruiz was working on a Paramotor project for his Foot Launch Tandems. He will be installing a powerful motor to a light cage, while Edgardo was not satisfied with flying in Lajas, later arrived to Humacao where he also made some flights.

Swap engine in a ultra light frame…

Friday, February 28, 2025 – Isabela…

Once again with excellent weather for flying, Luis Ruiz arrived to Isabela where he was accompanied in the morning by the pilots Jomar Crespo and his friend Iván Torres.

Luis, this time made (3) introductory flights to the sport, to Adalberto, Gabriel (from Minnesota, USA) and Uve (from Indiana, USA). Here we leave a video that better describes what we experienced during the morning.

From the perspective of the pilot Jomar Crespo!!!
Adalberto, Gabriel and Uve living the Experience, check the recommendation from Uve, Amazing!!!


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