Sunday, March 02, 2025 – A lot of action at ISABELA, with Students of the School, Pilots and a Lot of Demo flights!!!

After yesterday’s day of adventures in Arroyo, it was time to return to the paradise of Villa Pesquera ISABELA, and more, with excellent flight conditions. This time we are focused on continuing the training of school students. These have been inactive, mostly due to the strong winds that affected the island in February…

Pilots and Family Team Kamikazes Present…

Ricardo González and his wife Ermelinda
Deron Freeman and his wife Carla (from Connecticut, USA)
Luis Ruiz and his son Noah Enrique
Raúl Rivera and his brother Edwin
Jose Rolon
Miguel Orona
Fio Lopez
Sammy Badillo
Jomar Crespo
Paul Whitmore
Shirley Hernandez

The morning action…

It was nice to see the pilot and friend, Deron Freeman returning to the island and continue flying at his Alma mater with the rest of the members of Team Kamikazes. Deron had not visited us for months, and finally today was the day. In fact, he made a flight along the entire coast, which he described as one of the best he has taken to date!!!

Starting the morning with Deron Freeman in the House!!!
Deron at Landing and opinion of his Fly !!!

Luis Ruiz, for his part, took advantage of the morning to continue and/or restart the training of the students Raúl Rivera, his brother Edwin and José Rolón, all from Vega Baja. They had taken vacations and are now back to continue their progression as pilots. They were joined by student Shirley Hernández, who was also working hard in the day.

The pilots…

Sammy, Fio, Miguel, Ricky and later Jomar and Paul, were flying around. The weather was excellent and each one of them enjoyed their experiences to the fullest.

Sammy and Fio taking off and Luis getting ready!!!
Luis Ruiz testing a new combination of Paramotor to use eventually at the Demo Flights.

In Paul‘s case, it was funny that he flew from the yard of his house at the top of the Cliff. He did it in Free Flight modality (without a motor). On that occasion the wind dropped in intensity and Paul had to land close to us at Villa Pesquera. Jomar was to the rescue, and took Paul back to his house.

Later in the day, Paul was flying out of his house again, but this time in his Paramotor. In other words, we understood that there would be no need to take him home again once his flight was over. BUT…, cross winds coming in from the WNW, did not allow Paul to land at his house. Once again it was Jomar‘s turn to take him back home!!!

2nd Rescue of the day from Jomar to Paul !!!

Introduction Demo Flights…

Luis Ruiz was active carrying out some previously coordinated Demo flights. This time to Ulaski, who arrived accompanied by her parents and is originally from Spain. Later it was the turn of Luis Nieves and Lorel, natives of Corozal, and later the turn was for Carmen “Cani” Traverso and her friend Miyi, from Aguada. Cani, at some point a few years ago had taken training with Luis. It was very nice to see her back.

Here we leave a video that best describes the adventures experienced by our friends…

New friends from Spain, Corozal, and Aguada Living the Experience!!!

Extra Video(s)…

Gregory Santiago at the Coamo Marathon.


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