Sunday, February 02, 2020

And we arrive to the day of the Traditional Coamo Marathon. For years the largest international Marathon event on the island. For this reason, we carry our activity of flying to Santa Isabel, a neighbor town of Coamo. Some “Kamikazes” Pilots, Gregory Santiago, Carlos Cándido Rodríguez, Alex Diaz and Chey Sánchez arrived at dawn to make Read more about Sunday, February 02, 2020[…]

Sunday, January 05, 2020

It seems that “La Guancha” in Ponce is our fixed destination in this past month to practice our sport. This time, the initial plans were to go to Villa Pesquera Isabela, but a constant rain throughout the northern area caused us to give up the idea. We don’t like to change this place at the Read more about Sunday, January 05, 2020[…]

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